Page 95 of Dangerous Allure

“Let him up, you dick,” I said under my breath.

Given Norman’s lack of care and attention up to this point, I was surprised when he told the bottom that he at least wanted to wipe off the blood. I looked at Spencer when I heard him huff out a short, sarcastic laugh.

“How thoughtful of him,” Spencer mumbled.

Norman untied the young man and stood beside him while the guy climbed off the spanking bench. Though, it looked like as soon as Norman felt the guy had his balance, he walked away from him. With Norman out of the way now, the man’s face and body came into better view. Spencer and I looked at one another when we saw how young the guy looked. Both of us were pissed.

Norman reached into his bag and set an envelope next to the guy’s clothes. They said next to nothing to one another except for making plans for next week. He wasn’t just going to end their time like this, was he?

The young man picked up his clothes and the envelope before hurrying out of the room. Once he was clear of the room, he crouched and pulled his clothes close to free up both of his hands to open the thick envelope. He pulled back the flap and revealed money. With his fingers, he quickly flipped through the bills. Seemingly satisfied with the total, he closed the envelope, stood, and walked down the hall.

I looked at Spencer. “Did I just see what I think I saw?” I asked him.

“Did you think you saw a guy get paid for taking a beating and a dick?”


I looked into the room and watched as Norman wiped down the spanking bench. Before I could react, Spencer stepped into the room. I hurried in right behind Spence.

“Evening, Norman. I couldn’t help but notice your session with that young man,” Spencer blurted.

“Hey, Spencer.” Norman greeted me with a smile. “Hey, West. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you guys. How have you been?”

“Fine, thank you. Look, I don’t stick my nose where it doesn’t belong?—”

“Then don’t start now, Spencer.” Norman stood with his hands propped on his waist, glaring at Spencer.

Spencer ignored Norman’s words, just as I knew he would. “Your play with that young man was reckless.”

“That’s presumptuous of you. You guys don’t show your faces here for months, then you show up and monitor people? Look, I know it appeared rough, but you guys play rough too. Unless?—”

“Unless what?” I asked sharply.

“Unless you don’t play rough anymore. Did it maybe get to be too much? Hard to find a third wheel to take both of you?”

“If you only knew exactly how rough I play at work, you’d keep your mouth shut,” I barked.

“Look, guys, don’t bust my balls over what I do. It was consensual. I don’t have to tell you anything, but I’ll tell you that he likes it. I play responsibly.”

Spencer took a few steps forward until he was within a foot of Norman.

“A responsible top cares enough to look beyond what the bottom likes and sees what they need. Deciphering them and then figuring out how to incorporate both is what being a responsible top is,” Spencer growled.

“He doesn’t like aftercare. He won’t play if I attempt it.”

“Then your play is dangerous and damaging to him,” Spencer added.

“You drew blood on that kid and let him walk out of here,” I said.

“Again, he won’t play?—”

“Then don’t play!” I shouted.

“He’s fine.”

“How long have you two been playing like this?” Spencer asked.

“I don’t have to tell you anything.”