Page 96 of Dangerous Allure

Spencer and I looked at one another for a moment, and then he turned to look at Norman. “You’re right. You don’t have to tell us anything. But I’m going to tell you something, Norman. Next week, you’re not going to play with him. You’re simply not going to show up here. Do I make myself clear?”

“And if I do show up and play with him?”

“Then we’re going to go to management and the police about you giving the young man money for sex and physical abuse,” I explained.

Norman paled and ran his hand through his hair.

“What do I say to him?”

“After watching you beat the shit out of him, fuck him, then let him walk out of here without any care, I doubt you’ll lose much sleep over it,” Spencer said.

“Are we clear?” I asked. Norman nodded, and I turned and walked out of the room. I knew Spencer was right behind me without looking. We never left one another hanging.

“I feel like I should go check on that kid,” Spencer murmured as we made our way down the hallway.

“From what it sounds like, he may be used to this.”

“That doesn’t mean it’s okay, West.”

“I didn’t say it was.”

I stopped and took hold of Spencer’s forearm and turned him so I could look him in the eye. Whenever we’d co-topped, Spencer had always leaned in the Daddy Dom direction. He was the one who could spank or flog and then wrap them in blankets and cuddle. He naturally wanted to take care of all the bottoms after he whipped them.

“It’s damaging to be emotionally stripped bare and then left to wander about.”

“I know, Spence. I’m not stopping you from checking on him. I’m just gently trying to tell you not to expect him to eat out of your hands if he’s used to this treatment. You and I will show up next weekend, and we’ll see if he wants to play with us.”

“I’ll go check the locker room and see if he’s still there. I would feel better seeing him before we leave.”

“Okay. I’ll meet you in the main room.”

Spencer and I went in different directions once we reached the end of the hallway. I spotted Steph and David sitting on a couch. I walked over to them, and before I took a seat across from them, I asked, “Mind if I sit?”

“Feel free,” David said as he gestured to the chair across from them. “So how was your time with Mitzi?” he asked. He and Steph both had huge smiles on their faces. They were there and saw the joke of a session it turned out to be.

“Disappointing probably sums it up,” I replied. They nodded as if they weren’t surprised. I glanced in the direction of the hallway as my thoughts drifted back to Norman and the guy he’d played with. “Hey, let me ask you something.” I leaned closer, over the narrow coffee table, to keep our conversation as private as possible. “Spence and I were watching Norman and a guy play tonight. They were playing rough, and Norman just let the guy leave without any care. Do you have any idea who it was?”

“That’s the kid we were talking about earlier.” David sat up straighter and moved to the edge of the couch. “That’s Skyler. He’s the opposite of just about all the new young people. You’d never know all those screams and cries come out of him,” David said.

“He just plays with Norman and quietly leaves,” Steph said.

“Like a ghost,” David commented.

“A rope ghost,” Steph added.

“Why?” David asked me.

Spencer walking into the main room caught my attention, and my eyes naturally gravitated toward him. Both of us were craving a third who could handle both of us. This Skyler kid might be worth talking to.

As Spencer sat in the chair next to me, I smiled at him and then looked at David before saying, “I think Spence and I want to catch the ghost.”

Chapter Five


After I left Edge, I walked a few blocks to the bus stop. I was still warm from the shower at Edge, but my hair was wet. So by the time the bus arrived, I was more than ready to get shelter from the cold, shitty weather. I rode the bus for a few stops and then got off at the one closest to my favorite fast-food restaurant. Having just earned some money, I was able to pay for rent and get myself a treat.

As I hurried into the well-lit, inviting restaurant, I realized how sore and stiff I felt from playing with Norman tonight. While I perused the menu, I reminded myself that I needed to take some ibuprofen.