Page 51 of Risking the King

“I know he will. Just like I knew he would two hours ago when we first started fooling around. I’m not stupid, Carlo. And you don’t need to treat me like glass. I’m not going to break. Now tell me what you guys were fighting about. I deserve to know what’s going on.” And I totally freaking did. I had a feeling that whatever went on in Carlo’s office had to do with Sergio.

Which had to do with me.

And from the way those men were screaming at each other—it didn’t sound good.

“If you need to know something, I’ll tell you.”

That was it.

I had officially arrived in pissed off land. I sat up and glared down at him. “No, if I ask you what’s going on, then you need to tell me.”

Carlo’s face shuttered closed. “No,” was all he said.

And that pissed me off even more.

“What do you mean, no?”

He cleared his throat and spoke a bit louder, “No. That is not how this works. Not everything that goes on in that fuckin’ office is for your ears. And if I think it is—” he tried to pull me back down, but I resisted, “then I’ll tell you.”

My anger swirled around in my head, and I felt like it was about to explode. “That’s not fair.”

Carlo sat up, and I felt his whole demeanor change. And it wasn’t for the better. “Giselle, I’m fuckin’ tired. I don’t want to fight with you about shit you know nothing about. I just spent the better part of two hours making love to you in every way I could think of. Made you come three times. And I came twice. Now, I’m fuckin’ tired and I want to get some sleep before the baby wakes up in an hour.”

It was too late. The adrenaline was racing through my body. Even if I wanted to back off and lay back down with him, I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I was way too mad.

“Why can’t you level with me? All I want to know is what’s going on. And why you and Stefan were fighting. He wouldn’t show up unannounced for nothing. It had something to do with Sergio, right?”

The lines between his eyebrows grew deeper. “Did you not hear a fuckin’ word I just said?” he asked with more than a little sarcasm in his voice.

As far as I was concerned, he could stuff that sarcasm right back down his throat. Or I’d do it for him.

I scurried out of bed and put my robe on.

“Get your ass back in bed. Right now,” he ordered, but I was so far from caring it wasn’t even funny.

“Bite me, Carlo.” I ignored him and tied my robe. I turned around to walk to the bedroom door.

“I said get your ass back into bed with me, Giselle. Do not take one more step.” His voice was clipped, and his tone was serious.

Dead serious.

My head twisted back to him. “Fuck you, Carlo,” I said. And I meant it. I didn’t need to take this shit from him.

Not anymore.

I’d been more than careful to not mention anything about Sergio for all this time. I figured if something had happened, Carlo would tell me.

And I also didn’t want to put any more pressure on him than he probably already felt. Me getting kidnapped on his own property wasn’t something Carlo would be happy about. I knew that.

He thought Dani and I would be safe under his roof.

And we weren’t.

And me being gone for all those months—I shook my head. I did not want this dark shit to settle into my brain.

And I sure didn’t want to think about any of this stuff at night. When the darkness could so easily take over and seep into every open crack and crevice.

Marcello’s cries filled the air.