Page 52 of Risking the King

“Damn it to Hell,” Carlo swore as he jumped out of bed.

“I’ll get him,” I said, feeling like I wanted to club Carlo over the head with something very large and very heavy. He’d woken up the baby with all this nonsense.

“No, I’ll get him and change him.” Carlo was being short with me.

And that did absolutely nothing for my mood.

A knock at the door made me frown and turn my head. Who the heck was at the door?

I didn’t have to wait long. Eve peeked inside. “Can I take him for a while? It sounds like you two have—uh, things to work out.”

What she meant was—our fighting had woken her up.

I sighed. A flush of embarrassment crept over me. “I have to feed him. But thank you.”

Eve gave me a flat smile. “Look, I can make him a bottle downstairs. I know where your breastmilk is. And then I’ll keep him in our room for the night. Or until you come to get him.”

I looked back to see Carlo changing a very angry Marcello on the bed.

I had to pump a few times a day to relieve the pain I sometimes felt. I kept enough for a bottle or two in the fridge and froze the rest.

I trusted Eve with the baby. She had three of her own that she was raising. And she’d looked after Dani many times over the years.

Maybe Eve was right.

Maybe Carlo and I did need to have it out. And doing it around a baby was not fair to him at all.

It was pretty immature, actually.

“Are you sure?” I asked my best friend, giving her one last chance to back out.

She smiled bigger now and stepped into the room. “Of course, I am. You don’t have to ask.” She hustled to the bed. Carlo had finished changing him.

“Come with Auntie Evie.” She picked Marcello up, and he protested as she hugged him. “Shh, let’s go find a bottle. You can help me. And then we’ll watch some reruns together, okay?”

I gave my friend a sad, but grateful smile.

Once she shut the door behind them, I was suddenly airborne. “What the—” I said, up in the air. In Carlo’s arms.

He turned around and headed to the bed. One knee digging into the mattress, he dropped me on top. “What are you doing?” I asked, completely exasperated with this man.

“We’re going to sleep. That’s what we’re doing. I’m tired. So are you. And we have a babysitter for the rest of the night.”

I tried to push myself up, but Carlo’s body didn’t allow that. I shoved his shoulders. “I don’t want to be in this bed with you right now.”

Carlo glared down at me, looking all kinds of angry. “I don’t care. You’re going to sleep here. With me. And that’s final.”

My eyes narrowed, and I was about three seconds from yelling at the top of my lungs at him. “Move. I want to get up.”

He shook his head. “No.”

I pushed his chest, but I’d have better luck trying to move a mountain. “I said move!” I raised my voice as I shouted at his face.

He still wouldn’t budge. Not one inch.

“Are you going to hold my hands above my head? Sergio likes it that way. Is that what you want?” I barked out at him in a venomous shout.

The expression was something I’d never seen on Carlo’s face before.