Dom turned his attention back to the stove for a moment and flipped over a piece of bacon before looking over his shoulder again at Abe. He grinned bigger than life itself and shook his head.


“I just can’t believe you’re here.”

Abe chuckled. “This isn’t the first time I’ve been in your house, Dom.”

Dom rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the food. “No, I mean I can’t believe you’re standing in my kitchen, half-naked, wearing a pair of my shorts after a night of incredible sex.”

Abe could feel his cheeks warm slightly as he closed the rest of the distance between them. “Incredible, huh?” Dom had said as much last night, but it was still encouraging to hear it again. His confidence hadn’t been at its highest when he decided to give it all a try. But then Dom kissed him, and he forgot all about being nervous and insecure. He just couldn’t get enough of Dom. Probably never would.

“Fuck yes,” Dom groaned. “My knees get weak just thinking about last night. I’m totally ready to do it all over again.”

Abe stood behind Dom, smiling. His cock was fully at attention now and ready to go just from listening to Dom talk. Sliding his hands under Dom’s T-shirt, he ran them up his wide, muscular back, loving the feel of his smooth skin. “Then why aren’t we?”

Dom’s head jerked around, holding Abe with his narrowed gaze for a moment, before he lurched forward again. He snapped off each of the burners with a quick twist. “We’ll figure out breakfast later,” he muttered under his breath.

Stepping backward so that Dom could move without hindrance, Abe laughed to see his desperate urgency. “Are you sure—”

He barely got the words out before Dom’s mouth was on his, devouring him. It was as if it had been months since they were last together rather than just a few hours.

They hit the stairs and Abe pressed him into the wall, kissing back. Dom had obviously been sneaking bites of bacon. It tasted damn good on his tongue.

Laughing, Dom pulled away to tug him up the stairs behind him, but his ass looked so good in the shorts, Abe kept reaching out to squeeze those round cheeks and the third time, Dom nearly tripped. Cracking up, he turned, still a step above him, and wrapped both arms around Abe’s neck to thrust his tongue back into Abe’s mouth


“Yeah.” He bit at his bottom lip, then sucked it into his mouth.

“You wanna fuck me this morning?”

“Oh God,” he groaned, reaching around to palm Dom’s ass again and grind him against his abdomen. “Yeah, yeah I do.”

“Then hold that thought.” Dom kissed him one more time, lips lingering, before he hurried into the master bedroom and kept going. When he disappeared into the bathroom, Abe felt a return of nerves as they scrambled about in his belly. He went into the guest room bath and breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted the spare toothbrush and toothpaste in the top drawer. He cleaned up from the night before with a rag and soap. His hand was shaking with excitement, and he laughed at his reflection in the mirror.

Forty-nine years old and giddy as a teenager about to get laid.

He made it to the bed before Dom came out, still fighting the tidal wave of nerves rushing through him. He knew what Dom was doing in that bathroom.


Dom came out, gloriously nude, his dick already hard. He saw the direction of Abe’s gaze and winked. “Just thinking about this kept it going.” He grabbed a condom and lube out of the drawer, and Abe couldn’t help but take in every curved muscle of his crazy-toned body. “Jesus, how much do you work out?”

“Have to be fit for what I do.”

“You’re sure as hell that. You make me want to up my workout.”

“If you are in any way hinting that your body isn’t perfect the way it is, I don’t want to hear it.” He pointed at the spike still aimed at Abe. “I have never met anyone who turns me on like you do. Ever. All you see here”—he waved a hand down his body—“is yours.”

He crooked his finger. “Then bring my body here.”

Dom climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. He picked up Abe’s hand and squeezed lube onto his fingers. “I started the program in there already, so it won’t take much, but you should explore first and yeah, probably get me a little more loose for that fat cock of yours. Damn, that thing’s a beaut.”

Abe was pretty sure it would be impossible to get any more excited than he was in that moment. He slid his hand under Dom, brushing his palm on his hanging balls, watching as Dom’s eyes closed and his mouth fell open. He didn’t take his eyes off the man as he rubbed two fingers around his rim, then slowly slid one finger inside him. Hot. Holy shit, he was hot in there. And tight. He may have cleaned and loosened himself up in the bathroom, but that sure as hell didn’t feel like it would work around Abe’s dick.