He reached that fat cock and nosed below, taking in the scent of Abe, who had obviously showered before coming over, but who also still smelled faintly of sweat and musk and man. He went lower to see if Abe’s inner thighs were as sensitive as his and smiled against his skin when Abe quivered. He came back up and didn’t give Abe any warning, taking that beautiful cock into his mouth slowly and surely, hollowing his cheeks, and relaxing his throat so it could keep sliding until his lips met his hand at the base.

“Agh!” Abe bellowed, voice deep, before the yell broke off into a hoarse cry as Dom sucked back up. He licked the underside, went down, and swirled his tongue around the base before coming back up to suck him back down again. The whole time, he listened to Abe’s noises and when there were good ones, he repeated whatever he was doing until he had turned Abe into a quivering mass of sputtering and moaning man on his bed.

Abe thrust up into his mouth, then grabbed his head. “Coming!”

Dom figured Abe thought he didn’t like the taste since he’d pulled Abe off his own before—but he just hadn’t been sure Abe was ready for a mouthful of spunk.

But he sure as hell was, so he sucked harder and got his reward when the warm fluid filled the back of his throat.

Abe, who’d been making all kinds of noises before, went silent as his body became one taut line of muscle. He shook and came, and a sense of relief hit Dom hard.

Abe loved what they had just done. All of his doubts in that respect were gone.

He came up and watched as the haze left Abe’s face and he focused on Dom. A smile slowly stretched Abe’s lips.

“Stay here tonight?” Dom whispered.

“Oh, yeah.”Chapter NineAbe stretched, legs sliding along the soft sheets. He rolled onto his side and pressed his face into the pillow. A smile tugged at his lips. He could smell Dom on the pillow, in the sheets. The man surrounded him, and it gave him such a deep sense of peace and rightness. He didn’t want it to end.

Sliding his hand out, Abe came up with only cool sheets. His eyes popped open and he discovered he was alone in bed. The clock on the nightstand announced that it was after eight in the morning. He couldn’t remember if Dom said he had to go in for an early shift. The bodyguard had admitted that he was naturally an early riser, which matched Abe perfectly.

But for a rare moment, he didn’t want to get out of bed just yet. His body was luxuriously relaxed after last night. He kept in good shape, but sex with Dom meant using a few muscles that had been neglected over the years. Closing his eyes, he replayed each kiss. Dom’s moans and cries of pleasure still rang in his ears. He’d never known it could be like that.

Patricia and he had burned up the sheets when they were young, but it had been about pure pleasure when they were together. With Dom, he felt connected on a deeper level. There was something in his stare, in the way he let go, the way he trusted Abe so completely, that made it so much more.

Stifling a groan at himself, Abe took a deep breath…and caught the faint whiff of bacon. Had Dom gotten up to cook breakfast? Abe pushed into a sitting position and grinned at the sight of a pair of loose basketball shorts at the foot of the bed. After a brief stop in the bathroom, Abe headed to the kitchen, where Dom was standing in front of the stove in the similar shorts from last night and an old T-shirt with the sleeves ripped off, showing off his amazing arms. To hell with breakfast—Dom was a mouthwatering sight. He’d thought the previous night’s sex had sated him within an inch of his life, but his cock started to perk up as he stared. Apparently it was determined to make up for lost time, and Abe no longer wanted to argue with it.

“I really didn’t think it was possible for you to look sexier, but you’ve accomplished it,” Abe said, his voice still a little rough from sleep.

Dom looked over his shoulder at Abe and the strangely pensive expression on his face disappeared, the smile that he flashed heart-stopping. Dom was normally a happy person, but this was a different kind of joy shining forth. And it was humbling to think that he was the cause.

“I have a feeling you’re more tempted by the pound of bacon I’ve fried up rather than my sausage,” Dom teased.

“I think I proved otherwise last night,” Abe said with a wink. Flirting with Dom was just too easy, too addictive.