Dom groaned, his mouth opening for the kiss Abe gave him. And holy shit, the man could kiss. He fucked with his tongue, moving it in and out of Dom’s mouth, tasting and sucking on Dom’s tongue. He nipped Dom’s lips, then ran his cheek over the scruff on Dom’s face. The rasp of Abe’s beard felt so good on his skin, he held his breath and clutched his sides.

Abe wiggled his hips and Dom opened his legs, wishing he’d taken long enough to get out of his clothes. “Skin,” he breathed against Abe’s cheek as the man sucked his earlobe into his mouth. “Gah!” he cried out. “This would be better naked.”

Abe put his hands on either side of Dom’s head, his large frame pushing back and away from Dom. Dom started to complain, although he’d been the one to request the loss of clothes, but his tongue twisted into knots when Abe tugged off his shirt and revealed his wide shoulders and barrel chest. Brown and silver hair curled between and around his nipples and down his belly. Muscles bulged in thick arms. Dom had been privy to the upper-body strength of the man and right now, all he could do was take in the heady masculinity hovering above him. His hips were narrow compared to his upper body, and Dom pushed him farther back.

“I want to see it all. Stand up and show me.”

He was glad he’d left the light on because he would have missed the faint flush of red on Abe’s neck as he stood and reached for the fly of his jeans. He undid it and pushed them down, revealing leaner hips that flowed down into thighs thick like his arms. He had round, muscled calves and long feet. Dom brought his gaze back up to the gray boxers and couldn’t manage to form words enough to ask for their removal. Fuck, he was so excited, he felt like a teenager.

But Abe pushed the underwear down, his dick rearing up and leaving a faint glistening trail on the hair on his belly. His cock was thick, the tip wet, and Dom’s mouth watered.

“Am I the only one getting naked? Because I have to say that wouldn’t be my first choice.” Abe’s low words yanked him out of his trance.

Dom scrambled off the bed to take off his own clothes, but his hands seemed to have a mind of their own as he instead ran his palms down Abe’s chest and stomach. He stroked fingers over Abe’s hips and around to the smooth skin of his back. He stepped close and nipped at Abe’s bottom lip. “I love your body.”

“Pretty sure I’m going to love yours too, when I get to see it.”

Chuckling, Dom stepped back and tugged off his T-shirt, pushed down his shorts, and kicked them off.

Abe groaned. “I knew you were flying free under those damn thin shorts.”

“Like them, do you?”

“I like what’s under them a lot more. Fuck, Dom, look at you.” This time, Abe’s hands did the mapping of Dom’s body. He started with his shoulders and when he stroked his palms down Dom’s arms, he couldn’t keep himself from flexing—just a little. He had to bite back a grin when Abe moaned softly and continued his exploration, grazing the backs of his fingers over Dom’s abs. “You’re like a work of art. Like something I’d see in a museum.”

“Shut up,” Dom murmured. “I’m just a guy and I’m not the gorgeous one here.”

Brown eyes met his. “You make me feel gorgeous.”

“I wish you saw what I do when I look at you. What I’m pretty sure Trent saw when he looked at you. Did I tell you that I felt a little jealous and a lot possessive after seeing that?”

“Oh, yeah?”

Abe’s fingers drifted back up his chest, across the long scar from the explosion he’d been in during the mission to save Geoffrey Ralse. “Not quite museum quality. More scratch and dent,” Dom nervously joked. Was it wrong that he wanted to be perfect for Abe? To be exactly what the man craved.

“Better than museum quality. You’re real. And mine.”

Abe must have tired of talking then, because he grabbed Dom as he turned and fell back on the bed, bringing Dom over on top of him. “Oh God,” he groaned. “I knew that smooth skin of yours would feel good against me.”

Lust shot through him so hard, he felt his balls drawing up way too fucking early. Again. Nope, that wasn’t happening. He shut his eyes and willed the racing orgasm back. But Abe grabbed his head and started that expert kissing of his. Dom sank into him and opened his mouth. Tongues dueling and sliding—teeth nipping. He was ravenous suddenly and he straddled Abe, spreading his legs and letting that fat cock of Abe’s rest against his crease.