If his brother was at all the same, his cat-and-mouse game would last longer. He wouldn’t actually go after Abe until he’d driven his brother mad with worry, forcing him to act.

James got off on psychological torture, but Dom was terrified he’d taken that need to a more horrific level when James had discovered he’d been tricked all these years.

“Dom?” Abe walked up to him and set down his glass on the counter. He pulled Dom tight against him. “You faked your death?”

Dom nodded against him, digging his fingers into the strong muscles of Abe’s back, the memory of what he’d had to do still having the power to stab him through the chest. “I deliberately burned down the house where we’d been living. I stole some cremated remains from a funeral home so that some bits of bone would be found, but not enough to run a DNA test. Made it look like a gas explosion so that everything was destroyed. And I ran. Like a fucking coward. I ran and never looked back. I…I just had to get away. There was no other choice.”

“Hey,” Abe said as he tipped Dom’s head up with both palms over his ears. Brown eyes met his, and the concern mixed with lust snapped him out of his anxiety. “We don’t have to talk any more about this. You can share the rest with me when you’re ready, and I’ll be here to listen. What can I do right now? Should we call the cops?”

Dom was quick to shake his head. “No. No cops. I don’t want the cops involved in this. At least…not yet.”

“Then what if we call Shane? He’s a private investigator and has some experience dealing with some strange stuff.”

“No, but thanks. You’re all I need right now.” He turned his face into Abe’s neck, brushing his lips against his jaw. “I just want to relax and think for a while. Figure out a plan.”

“Then how about I try to take your mind off things?” And with that, he brought his mouth to Dom’s.

Dom melted into his touch. Now this was a program he could get behind. Sex would wipe away all memories of his brother because his attraction to Abe seemed to wipe out all thoughts anyway. And now was no different as fire swept through to obliterate everything else. He parted his lips and Abe took the kiss deeper, his tongue scorching a path of fire in Dom’s mouth.

He reached up to thread his fingers through those soft curls he was fast becoming obsessed with. The night before, he’d imagined Abe rubbing his curly hair all over his body.

Moaning, Abe ran strong hands down his back and dug his fingers in to clutch Dom as close as possible. His entire front was plastered to Abe, and he felt his hard dick as Abe began to move his hips side to side, rubbing against him.

Dom hadn’t put on any underwear and even with his eyes closed, he couldn’t stop them rolling back into his head. When Abe groaned and gripped his ass to suddenly grind, he nearly came in his shorts.

He pulled away, gasping air into his tight lungs and wrestling himself under control. “I like your idea,” he panted as he turned and pulled Abe out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and into the hall, backing slowly toward his bedroom. He was fucking trembling with excitement, never having felt this hopeful about another man in his life. This kind of lust—it was something else. It raged through his body like a firestorm. The backs of his knees hit the bed and Abe just kept coming, his brown eyes narrowed and so full of intent, Dom shivered.

“You’re shaking,” Abe murmured, his hand coming up to cup Dom’s jaw. “Shouldn’t I be the nervous one here?”

“Because you’re a man-virgin?”

Abe snorted. “That just sounds so wrong.” He softly kissed Dom’s lips.

Dom pulled away slightly. “What if you hate this?” His voice was barely above a whisper.

“I won’t.”

“You don’t know that. I don’t think I could stand being the man who proves this isn’t what you want.”

“Dom,” Abe growled as he grabbed Dom’s hand and placed it over the iron spike filling the front of his jeans. “I’m more turned-on than I’ve ever been in my life, so you have nothing to worry about except me throwing you to that bed and taking you apart.”

“Yes, please.” He nearly barked the words.

Abe grinned suddenly and kicked out, effectively swiping Dom off his feet so he fell back onto the bed.

“Well that wasn’t very fucking romantic,” Dom muttered even as he laughed and wiggled farther up the comforter. He got to the pillows and started to yank off his T-shirt, but Abe stopped him by crawling up his body and dropping his weight on him.