Be patient. Be patient. Be patient.

The chant went through his head as they grabbed the food and some beers, then settled onto the couch in the living room. He clicked on the television. One of the Marvel movies blasted across the big screen, and Dom settled in, determined to enjoy a couple of hours of laughter and excitement because they both loved the franchise.

“This one has to be your favorite because of the helicopter and the arms, right?” he asked as he unwrapped the first fragrant taco. Cumin, thyme, chili powder, peppers, and lime. He took a deep breath and a big bite. He had this particular truck on an actual app on his phone, so he knew where it would be parked anytime he craved the spicy, shredded pork and fresh veggies. Juice dripped down his chin.

Abe laughed, handed him a napkin, and dug into the bag of food. “So, you were guarding Trent Elrige? What’s he like?”

Dom shrugged. “Normal guy outside of being too good-looking to be real. We had an eventful night.”

“How’s that?”

“His stalker showed, but the situation was defused.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re downplaying what happened?” Abe took a bite of his taco and groaned his pleasure.

Oh God, those kinds of noises would kill him. “I am a bit. I kicked the guy through a window. I’m sure Rowe will be happy to fight that bill with the hotel since they let the dumbass into the building.” He spoke of his boss with fondness. There was no one who liked to argue as much as Rowe. He’d probably give Dom points for creativity.



“You actually kicked a guy through a window?”

“I did. It was cool as shit.”

Abe threw back his head, laughing once again. He did that a lot around Dom, and he found himself doing whatever he could to keep that sound coming. Abe had a deep, warm laugh that sent shivers through Dom.

“I wish I could have seen that.” He turned back to the movie. “Oh, I love this part.”

Dom settled in to watch, stealing glances at Abe throughout the movie. He realized he enjoyed this just as much as he would getting the man into his bed. There was an ease to them that was just as appealing as the heat.

At one point, Dom realized Abe was staring, and he shot him a wink. “So, Quinn was telling me that you’re going on vacation with him and Shane next month. Brave man. Do you want to hear what I’ve walked in on at the office?”

“Fuck no,” Abe growled with a shudder. “I’m happy for my son. Thrilled, really. But I’m not going with them. They only invited me because I was there for dinner when the topic came up. I plan to have a last-minute job.”

Dom paused while twisting off the cap of his third beer. “Aw, they’d be good with the daddy there.”

He rolled his eyes. “Don’t you start with that daddy stuff again.”

“But it’s soooo hot,” Dom drawled. He leaned closer. “Did you look at that porn link I sent?”

He expected red to creep into Abe’s face, but instead he just lifted his eyebrow and gave Dom the naughtiest grin he’d ever seen on the man. “I watched the whole thing.”

Dom waited. Partly out of curiosity and partly because he was slightly punch-drunk off that grin and the wicked promise in it. When Abe didn’t say anything else, he groaned. “Come on, you can’t leave it like that. Did you like it?”

“It was…interesting. Hot, yeah, but I don’t think it’s really my thing.” He started to take a drink of his own beer and stopped. “But if it’s yours, that’s cool.”

Rolling his eyes, he faced the movie again. He’d been sending different links to the man in the hopes of finding out just what did do it for him.

Again, he worried he was losing his touch when it came to seduction because, damn. Not that he’d resorted to sending porn links in the past.

“Those two are way too new to have ‘the dad’ tagging along,” Abe continued, going back to the vacation topic. “Plus, it’s a small cabin.” He crossed one ankle over his knee, leaning back. “They could use the time away together. They both work long hours. There’s no Wi-Fi there, so Quinn will basically have one thing to keep him from climbing the walls.”

Dom winced at the thought of what his coworker and friend, Quinn, would be doing then with his boyfriend, Shane. Those two got pretty kinky, and he was only mostly guessing. Mostly. He’d caught Quinn being very toppy one night when they’d all gone out for drinks. Kid had surprised him. “Yeah, I can see why you wouldn’t want to go.” He took a swig of his beer. “Quinn said you desperately needed a vacation. Why’s that?”