But then he’d met Patricia and fallen so hard that he hadn’t looked anywhere else for a long, long time. After she stomped all over his heart, he just hadn’t been able to dredge up much interest in sex outside of a hookup here and there.

And he’d yet to know what one of those was like with a man.

But he wanted to.


The problem was…he was too nervous to try. He was too damn old to be fumbling around during sex. He knew what he liked when it came to his own body, but he had no clue what to do with another man. All he knew was what he craved…what he liked to watch when it came to porn.

And since Dom had been laying the charm on so thick, there had been so. Much. Porn. It was almost like he was seventeen again.



He raised his gaze to find those green eyes narrowed above a sexy-as-fuck grin in his open truck window.

“We having a truck picnic or did you want to come inside?” His smile faded as he stepped back and opened the door. “Just tacos and a movie. Promise.”

Feeling like a fool, Abe got out and stood staring down at Dom, who looked just as edible in casual jeans and a ratty Nine Inch Nails tee as he did in the tight nightclub clothes Abe had seen him in last. While he wasn’t bulky, his martial arts training and workouts had made his body into a tight thing of beauty with arms that rippled with muscle. Those damn arms. Abe’s mouth watered, and his dick began to fill.


He cleared his throat, mumbled something about being hungry, and strode up the few steps to Dom’s deck and front door—the whole time trying, without success, to talk his hard-on down.

Seemed his dick didn’t have the same issues with self-confidence.Dom noticed the boner right away. The boner and the way Abe’s gaze had been glued to his arms. He’d forgotten about the man’s fascination with them. When he’d briefly taken Abe on as a client to protect him the year before, Abe hadn’t hidden the direction of his gaze well. Dom had been one hundred percent open to hooking up with the hottest damn silver fox he’d ever seen in his life. Tall and broad-chested, Abe held this sort of solid carriage and big-guy sex appeal Dom hadn’t even known he liked before.

But Abe wasn’t biting.

And nothing he did seemed to work. He’d never had to try so hard to get laid.

It was humbling. His ego had definitely taken a beating. He’d been a little shameless at first, doing everything but parading around naked in front of the man. But their age difference really seemed to matter to Abe, so he’d backed down and tried to settle for friendship. Too bad the chemistry and his own running mouth made him forget sometimes.

But he’d never push where he wasn’t wanted.

Problem was…he could tell he was. This wasn’t the first boner he’d spotted on the guy. That was what made it so frustrating.

One of Dom’s closest friends was dating Abe’s son, Shane. When Dom had been called in when Shane got into some nasty shit, he’d been expecting to see someone more like his own father. Or how his father had looked before Dom had cut his family from his life. But Abe had been a teen dad, and now he was the epitome of sexy with his salt-and-pepper curly hair and close beard. Dom had lost sleep thinking about those big hands and the smile that somehow made him look both shy and forceful at the same time.

Like he wanted to pin Dom down and do all kinds of raunchy things to his body and he didn’t know how to feel about that.

Dom had never wanted something so badly in his life. He wanted to experience every dirty and not-so-dirty thing that crossed Abe’s mind.

That was what had him so mixed up. Dom was comfortable with Abe, but the man also made him feel young and awkward. He was thirty-two fucking years old! He wanted to wake up to coffee and donuts with him, but he also wanted to tug him into the shower and explore every inch of his masculine body with soapy hands.

“Go on in,” he told Abe, who had stopped politely at the door.

Abe opened the door and held it open for Dom. “So, why aren’t you out with Trent Elrige?”

Dom shrugged. “Because I wanted tacos. Got them from Cubitt’s on the way home, so they’re hot and fresh.”

The low laugh that followed his words made him smile. So did the scent of freshly showered man and cologne as Dom passed through the doorway, his body brushing against Abe’s. Dom’s heart picked up beats. The man had put on cologne. That meant something. Subtle and musky…and holy shit, he smelled so good, Dom pulled the scent deep into his lungs. It was there—the desire.