Page 32 of Rhett

A man that could pass as Rhett’s older brother appears in the hall. “This must be Sofia. Our son wasn’t lying when he said you were beautiful. I’m Rhett’s father, Stephen.”

He hugs me too, and I can already tell they are good people. His mom leads us to the back patio, and we take our seats around the table. “Can I get you two something to drink?” she asks as we settle into our seats. “We have wine, beer, soda, water...”

“A glass of white wine would be great, thank you,” I reply with a smile.

“I'll take a beer, Mom,” Rhett adds.

As Carol heads inside to get our drinks, Stephen leans forward in his chair. “So, Sofia, Rhett tells us you're a preschool teacher. How do you like working with the little ones?”

I feel myself relax as I start talking about my job. “Oh, I love it. The kids are so fun and energetic. Every day is an adventure.”

His mom returns with our drinks and joins the conversation. “That's wonderful. I always thought about being a teacher when I was younger. Have you always worked with preschoolers?”

We fall into easy conversation about my work, Rhett rests his hand on my thigh as we talk. His parents are hilarious, and they’ve made me feel so comfortable.

As we enjoy dinner on the patio, the conversation flows easily. His parents ask me about my family, my hobbies, and how Rhett and I met. They listen with rapt attention as I recount the story of the fire and Rhett rescuing me.

“Our boy has always been a hero,” Carol declares proudly, reaching over to pat Rhett's hand.

“He certainly is,” I agree, smiling at Rhett. He winks at me, squeezing my thigh under the table.

“So tell us, Sofia,” Stephen says, leaning forward. “What do you think of our son? Be honest now.”

I laugh softly. “Well, I think he's pretty amazing. He's kind, funny, brave...” I trail off, blushing slightly. “I feel very lucky to have met him.”

She beams at me. “Oh, sweetie, we're the lucky ones. It's so wonderful to see Rhett so happy. You've brought out a side of him we haven't seen before.”

I feel my cheeks flush at her words. “He makes me very happy too,” I admit softly, looking over at Rhett. His eyes are warm as he smiles back at me.

“Well, I think it's clear you two are perfect for each other,” Stephen says. “Now, who's ready for dessert? Carol made her famous apple pie.”

We all eagerly agree to dessert. As she goes to get the pie, Stephen regales us with stories of Rhett's childhood antics. I can't help but laugh at the image of a young Rhett getting into mischief.

“Dad, come on,” Rhett groans good-naturedly. “You're going to scare her off.”

Stephen looks at me. “No way. She doesn’t seem like the easily scared off type.”

I laugh and shake my head. “Definitely not. I love hearing these stories.”

Carol returns with the pie and we all dig in, savoring the delicious dessert as the conversation continues to flow easily. As the evening winds down, I find myself feeling completely at ease with Rhett's parents. They've been so warm and welcoming, making me feel like part of the family already.

When it's time to leave, Carol pulls me into another tight hug. “It was so wonderful to finally meet you, Sofia. You must come over for dinner again soon.”

“I'd love that,” I reply sincerely. “Thank you so much for having me.”

Stephen hugs me as well. “You're welcome anytime, sweetheart. Take good care of our boy.”

“I will,” I promise, smiling up at Rhett as he wraps an arm around my waist.

As we walk back to Rhett's Jeep, I feel a warmth spreading through my chest. The evening went even better than I could have hoped. Rhett's parents were so kind and welcoming, making me feel instantly at ease.

Rhett opens the passenger door for me, and as I slide in, he leans down to kiss me softly. “See? I told you they'd love you,” he says with a smile.

I can't help but grin back. “They're great, Rhett. Thank you for introducing me to them.”

He gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. As we pull away from his parents' house, Rhett reaches over to take my hand, intertwining our fingers. “I'm so glad it went well. Mom texted me already, saying how much they adore you.”

I feel a warmth bloom in my chest at Rhett's words. “I'm so glad. I really like them too.”