Page 33 of Rhett

As we drive back to my place, I can't stop smiling. The evening had gone better than I could have hoped. Rhett's parents were so kind and welcoming, making me feel instantly at ease. I already felt like part of the family.

“What are you thinking about?” Rhett asks, glancing over at me.

“Just how lucky I am,” I reply softly. “Your parents are wonderful. And you...” I trail off, squeezing his hand. “I love you so much, Rhett.”

He brings our joined hands to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “I love you too, baby. More than I ever thought possible.”

When we arrive at my apartment, Rhett walks me to my door. I unlock it and turn to face him, not quite ready to say goodnight. “Do you want to come in for a bit?” I ask, hoping he'll say yes.

Rhett smiles and nods. “I'd love to.”

We step inside and I kick off my heels, sighing in relief. As comfortable as those shoes are, it still feels good to take them off after a long evening.

Rhett wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” he murmurs, his dark eyes roaming over me.

I blush, smoothing my hands over his chest. “You might have mentioned it once or twice,” I tease.

He leans in, capturing my lips in a slow, deep kiss that makes my toes curl.



It is beginning to become clear that I don’t sleep unless I sleep with Sofia, because at the station I never sleep well. Which is why I’m up early before everyone else and jogging on the treadmill, trying to exhaust myself.

I increase the speed on the treadmill, pushing myself harder. The steady rhythm of my feet pounding against the belt helps clear my mind. As I run, I can't help but think about Sofia. It's only been a few days since she met my parents, but I already miss her like crazy.

We've been texting and talking on the phone, but it's not the same as having her in my arms. I never thought I'd be the guy who got so attached so quickly, but Sofia has changed everything for me. The thought of her smile, her laugh, the way she fits perfectly against me—it all makes my heart race even faster than this run.

“Damn, Hollywood, you trying to wear a hole in that thing?” Marchy's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. We’re a pair, I can’t sleep and he’s an early riser.

I slow the treadmill down, grabbing my towel to wipe the sweat from my face. “Just couldn’t sleep. You know me.”

Marchy nods knowingly as he starts up the treadmill next to me. “Missing your girl?” he asks with a smirk.

I roll my eyes but can't hide my smile. “Maybe. Is it that obvious?”

“Bro, you've got it bad,” Marchy laughs and then sobers. “But it's good to see. Sofia's great for you.”

I slow the treadmill to a walk, cooling down. “Yeah, she really is. I never thought I'd feel this way about anyone.” I’ve always figured I’d be the one single guy in the group.

Marchy gives me a knowing look. “That's how I felt when I met Haley. When you know, you know, right?”

I nod, thinking about how right it feels with Sofia. “Yeah, I think I do know.”

We fall into companionable silence as we finish our workouts. As long as we don’t get any calls, it won’t be long before everyone else is up.

After finishing my workout, I head to the showers to clean up. As I'm drying off, the alarm sounds—we've got a call. I quickly throw on my uniform and rush to gear up.

We arrive at the scene of a house fire. Smoke is billowing from the windows of a two-story home. Captain barks out orders and we spring into action. Marchy and I are tasked with searching the second floor for any trapped occupants.

Inside, the smoke is thick and visibility is low. We methodically search room by room, calling out for anyone who might be inside. In the last bedroom, I hear a faint cry. Following the sound, I find a young boy huddled in the closet.

“I've got a child!” I call out to Marchy. Scooping the boy into my arms, I hurry back toward the stairs. The smoke is getting thicker and my feet carry us faster until I meet Marchy at the bottom and we move outside, taking him directly to his parents who are clearly panicking until they see their boy is safe.

I hand the boy off to the paramedics and turn back to the burning house. The fire is spreading rapidly now, and I can hear the creaking of weakening structural supports. Captain calls us all out—it's too dangerous to go back in. We focus our efforts on containing the blaze and preventing it from spreading to neighboring homes.

It takes hours, but we finally get the fire under control. By the time we finish, we're all exhausted and covered in soot. Back at the station, I hit the showers again, letting the hot water soothe my tired muscles.