He then found a T-shirt to pull on before he walked down to the kitchen to get their coffee.
It was supremely satisfying to be the man walking behind Nora Ellington when she swanned into a room.
He’d done it before, but he’d never been hers. Not officially.
Now he was.
And it felt tremendous.
Thus, his lips were twitching smugly when he did so.
Nora was speaking.
To Chloe.
“Oh, glorious! You got the peignoir set I sent you!”
The room was crowded, but Jamie’s eyes went right to the bed.
Chloe was wearing a baby pink nightgown with a deep, wide vee neck that had little red roses with green leaves embroidered on it. Decorating the end of the bed was a filmy robe with those same roses, what appeared to be trailing down the sides of the sleeves.
Chloe was pale, still looked tired, with bruising created from effort and fatigue shadowing under her eyes sharing how bad it had been.
But mostly, she looked like Chloe.
“Of course I did. It’s the first thing I packed in my baby bag. Didn’t you get my thank you note?” Chloe replied before Nora bent over her and moved her head so they could kiss both cheeks.
Judge stood by Chloe’s bedside, and Jamie was concerned to see his son’s wife was bathed, refreshed, her hair gleaming, and she was in a lovely nightdress. But his son was disheveled, wearing the crumpled clothes he’d been in the night before, and he clearly hadn’t gone home to shower and change or taken the time to freshen up in Chloe’s hospital bathroom.
He also appeared to be standing sentry beside her bed.
Jamie’s gaze moved to Tom, who caught it, jutting up his chin in understanding and shared concern. Then Jamie looked to Duncan, who gave a slight shake of his head in the same.
After that, Jamie noticed Alex, who had moon eyes and a lovestruck look on her face.
He followed her gaze and saw Rix standing and holding a tiny bundle to his massive chest, his entire focus on the baby in his arms.
“Rix, stop hogging Jimmy,” Chloe ordered. “Give Jamie a chance to meet his grandson.”
He thought his grandson was to be called JT.
“Not gonna,” Rix denied, even if he looked at Jamie and grinned as he started his way.
“He’s going to kidnap him like he keeps trying to kidnap our dogs,” Chloe complained to Judge.
“No he’s not,” Judge stated flatly.
His son’s tone snagged Jamie’s attention, but Rix was now there.
With utmost care, Rix and Jamie did the exchange.
And the minute Jamie had him, he understood and accepted the fact, for the rest of his lifetime, he’d be falling in love again and again and again.
Nora got close to inspect him, and within a nanosecond, turned and decreed, “Obviously, sheer perfection. You are so clever, my darling girl.”
Chloe preened. Judge scowled.