Jamie looked to Rix.
His attention was on Judge, and his mouth was tight with worry.
Jamie turned his attention to Chloe.
She felt his regard, then mouthed, Do something. Please.
As he suspected, Judge had it bad.
Carefully, he bent at the same time he pulled JT up his chest to give his little sleepyhead a soft kiss, before he asked Nora, “Want to hold him?”
“You took an age to ask,” she replied, even if he’d had hold of JT maybe a minute.
She went in, doing it deftly, but delicately.
Once she had his grandchild held snug against her, Jamie turned his attention to his son.
“How about we take a walk, Judge?” he suggested. “Maybe I can drive you home so you can get a shower.”
“I’m good here,” Judge replied.
“Hup,” Rix grunted quietly, and the room started to clear, this being Duncan, Genny, Tom, Mika, Alex and Rix.
All but Nora, and obviously, Chloe.
Nora moved to the window, swaying the baby gently side to side, removing herself from the conversation that was to come as best she could with JT in her arms.
Judge tracked her with his eyes like she was a threat.
Oh yes.
He had it bad.
“Judge,” Jamie called.
“Yup,” Judge answered, not taking his gaze from Nora, or more to the point, his boy.
“Judge,” Jamie repeated inflexibly.
His son looked to him and bit, “What, Dad?”
Jamie continued to repeat himself. “Let’s take a walk.”
“Like I said, I’m good here.”
“I think you need—” Jamie began.
“Judge, mon beau,” Chloe interrupted him, raising her hand Judge’s way, and he caught it immediately, like she was weak, and she couldn’t hold it up on her own.
“Please, go home,” she continued. “Have a quick shower. Then come back to me. And bring me a donut from Bosa.”
“I can send Gage to Bosa,”
“I don’t want Gage to get me Bosa. I want you to get me Bosa.”