He crawled out of the bed and tugged his waistband away from his stomach. Baer’s gaze ran over him, causing heat to creep into Wiley’s cheeks. He still wore his T-shirt. They hadn’t even undressed, just rubbed off on each other through their clothes.

But it had been damn hot.

“I like the way you blush,” Baer said, his voice still gravelly. “It’s cute.”

Wiley nearly groaned. “I wish I didn’t do that.”

“Don’t try to stop. It’s you. Plus, it makes me want to lick—” Baer cut off whatever he was about to say and looked at Ruby. “Okay, okay, I’m getting up.” He climbed out of the bed and grimaced at his soiled basketball shorts. “Think I’ll change before going downstairs. As it is, I’m still going to smell like spunk.”

“Try to sneak out.” Wiley grinned, then nearly fainted when Baer stripped off his shorts. He walked naked to the dresser and bent to grab jeans from the bottom drawer. His ass was round, full, and absolutely perfect. He shot Wiley a grin as he turned to face him. The front was just as perfect. His soft cock lay in a nest of red curls. Wiley had the strongest urge to drop to his knees and lick him until he was hard again. He wanted to trace every tattoo with his tongue.

Baer must have been able to read his thoughts from his intense gaze, because his eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. “I’ve got to take her out, or I’d be taking you up on whatever it is you’re contemplating.”

Something wicked in Wiley broke free and he walked right up to Baer. “I was thinking of going to my knees and cleaning you with my tongue.”

“Oh fuck,” Baer said, gripping the back of his head and bringing him in for a kiss. “I had a feeling you were sexy as hell. Glad to see I’m right.”

“Talk about sexy. You should just stay naked.” Which made him think of a question he’d had since first seeing Baer change into a cougar. “How do you keep your clothes when shifting?”

“Magic. I think of myself with clothes. I’ve come back naked and learned pretty fast.”

“I like you naked.” Wiley ran his palms up Baer’s chest and tweaked his nipples.

Baer sucked in a breath and moved to kiss Wiley again, but Ruby whined.

“Poor baby,” Wiley said. “I’ll leave you alone so you can take her out.” He walked into the bathroom as Baer was tugging on his jeans.

Grimacing at the stickiness of his sweats, he turned on the shower and stripped them off. When the water was hot, he stood under it, his mind reeling over what he’d just done. They hadn’t even gotten naked, and it had been the hottest near-sex of his life.

And it was all thanks to Baer. The man had this sexy, woodsy scent that went to Wiley’s head. And that body! Damn, the man was built. Solid, with thick arms and thighs and colorful tattoos all over his chest and arms.

Add in his killer smile and sweet personality…sigh. Wiley never stood a chance. There was something in him that turned to a puddle of goo whenever that man was around. The tenderness in his green eyes. His concern for Wiley and his brothers touched Wiley’s heart. His playfulness. It all combined into an incredibly special person.

Wiley took his time soaping his body in the shower, wondering if Baer felt weird about what they’d done. He hadn’t seemed weirded out at all. In fact, he had seemed ready to go again. A shiver ran through Wiley despite the hot water. He wanted Baer to go to town on his body, wanted to feel the man inside him. He could only imagine how much hotter that would be.

Finishing his shower, he quickly dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist before returning to the bedroom. He threw on a pair of jeans and a Flash Gordon T-shirt. He wasn’t sure why he was hurrying. It wasn’t as if Baer hadn’t felt every inch of him this morning. Mostly. He sure as hell had felt Wiley’s cock, and that was one place he wasn’t small.

He walked down the hall and knocked on Lucien’s door, but the man didn’t answer. Wiley hoped it was okay to run in and grab his sketch pad and pencils. He had the urge to draw this morning, and once the need hit him, he never wanted to do anything else until he got it out of his system.

Poking his head inside, he found the bed empty and the sheets rumpled. He grabbed his things and left the room, making his way downstairs. Bright sunlight poured through all the windows, beckoning him outside.

He walked out to the pool and lifted his face into the sun. He could hear hammering inside the house and knew Dane had already started working, and he could see Baer and Ruby walking through the trees. Grey was probably already typing away in his garage apartment, and Lucien and Clay were more than likely at the clearing. Just a normal day here at the plantation. A sense of home suddenly swamped him. He could be happy staying here forever. That only reminded him that his stay was, in fact, temporary. What he’d done with Baer that morning hadn’t changed that.