Wiley ran a hand up Baer’s back and gripped his head, loving the soft strands of hair around his fingers. Baer kissed him deeper until it felt like he’d tasted every part of Wiley’s mouth. Their tongues slid together, and Wiley’s dick hardened to the point of pain. He needed relief. Thrusting tentatively against Baer, Wiley nearly melted when the man gave another of his sexy growls.

Baer rolled on top of him and Wiley opened his legs, fitting the larger man closer. The world seemed to spin out of control, and desperate need swamped him. Baer rutted into him and Wiley lifted his hips. He rolled them, loving that hard ridge along his cock.

Baer’s hand went to his ass to hitch him even closer. He ground into Wiley, and Wiley met him rub for rub.

Baer broke off the kiss, taking his mouth down Wiley’s jaw to his neck. He kissed and sucked. Wiley worked to get air into his starving lungs. Lust tore through his body like a bolt of lightning. He gasped and writhed against the bigger man before wrapping his legs around him.

The noise Baer made then was so damn sexy. “Shit, Wiley,” he breathed as he came back up to Wiley’s mouth.

The kiss was so carnal, Wiley felt his balls drawing up and knew he was about to embarrass himself. But he didn’t care. It felt too good. He never wanted this to end.

And before he knew it, he was coming and coming, making a mess of his sweats as he yanked his mouth away from Baer’s and moaned long and loud.

“Fuck yeah,” Baer said as he kept frotting on Wiley. “So goddamn sexy.” His hips picked up rhythm, and the pressure was almost uncomfortable for Wiley, but he didn’t care. He wanted to make this man come apart in his arms. He tightened his legs around Baer and held on as Baer moved on top of him.

When Baer’s body went taut, Wiley pulled back to watch the pleasure spread over his face, heady with the knowledge he’d made the man feel like this. Baer gave two more thrusts of his hips, and the warmth that seeped into Wiley’s sweats was so fucking hot, Wiley’s dick twitched again.

Baer collapsed on him, panting hard. He buried his face in Wiley’s neck and took a long, shuddering breath, then rolled off him to sprawl on the bed. “Well, we did that.” He turned his head on the pillow and grinned at Wiley before tugging him close. “Made a mess.”

“A good mess,” Wiley said even as he tried to keep his soaked front away from Baer. But Baer was having none of that. He plastered Wiley to his side with a sated sigh.

“I didn’t expect that when I offered to let you sleep in here,” Baer said. He had the happiest look on his face. It worked wonders for keeping Wiley’s rising worries at bay.

“I know,” Wiley whispered. “But I don’t regret it. I…want you, Baer.”

The sexy Animal Weaver turned his head on the pillow, his red hair bright next to the white fabric. Amusement sparkled in his green eyes. “It’s pretty damn obvious I want you too.”

It was the joy in Baer’s expression that made Wiley bold, made him willing to grab for something he wouldn’t have dared to before. “Then I don’t see why we can’t explore this further.”

“Yeah? You want that?”

Wiley nuzzled into his chest, running one hand over the sparse hair on Baer’s pecs. “I want a lot more.”

Baer leaned down and pressed his lips to Wiley’s. Wiley didn’t hesitate to open to him, and it didn’t take long for the kiss to go deep and hot. Baer tugged Wiley on top of him and they both hissed at the cold, wet material between them.

“Well, that’s not sexy at all,” Wiley said with a chuckle. The pants really did feel awful. “I need a shower.”

“We both do, but you go ahead. I need to take Ruby out.”

That was when Wiley noticed Ruby standing patiently beside the bed, watching them. For some reason, he blushed. The dog gave him a goofy doggy grin, tongue lolling out of her mouth.

“She’s gotta go badly.” Baer laughed. “She’s also really curious about what we’re doing.”

“Oh God,” Wiley groaned as he dropped his head into Baer’s neck. “Never thought I’d be embarrassed over a dog.” He lifted his head and glanced around the room. “I wonder where Queenie went.”

Baer shut his eyes for a moment before opening them. “She’s downstairs in the kitchen, hoping Dane will drop some food.” His chest moved as he laughed. “And Dane is feeding her a small piece of bacon, so she’s really happy right now. I should have warned you about Dane and feeding our animals.”

“She’s going to get so spoiled.”

“Animals deserve spoiling.”

Wiley peeled himself off Baer, grimacing at the stickiness of his sweat pants.