I was still boiling with rage because my son was alone. Alone! Hadn't it been made clear enough that one of her duties was to take care of the child? Did she really need me to tell her that if I left the house, her main function was to look after my son?
The cook, the gardener, and the guy who cleaned the house, in addition to handling the maintenance, had the day off, they were usually the ones who stayed with Adriano when I wasn't there. There was no one there until seven in the morning.
We had to get the hell out of there quickly, as we were doing right now.
What happened was a mess. It really pissed me off that I had to be called out at Kai Morgan's club.
I didn't care if Nikita slept with those two idiots or twenty-five others. The problem wasn't there, but in that she didn't consider, not even for a moment, what her place was in my life.
And all for what? Jealousy? Because I had slept with Irene instead of her? Did she really think I would do that after she tried to hook up with one of my men?
My lover was going to need stitches because of her, and she was very worried about a scar that might remain on her forehead from hitting the wall at La Torre.
I couldn’t accompany her to the hospital as I would have liked, because as soon as we stepped out the door and I saw that blue motorcycle parked on the street, I almost had a heart attack. At first, I couldn't believe it, but seeing the malicious smile that topped my wife’s face, I knew I was right. Instead of coming in on a broomstick, she rode in on my Harley Butchered!
I nearly had a heart attack. A million and a half bucks parked in front of a nightclub full of hookers, horndogs, and drug addicts. It didn't matter how loaded they were, leaving it there was suicide.
I was a microsecond away from killing my wife. I didn’t even know how I could restrain myself. Well, yes, because Mak and Luk were still glued to my neck, waiting for us to leave without causing another scene. And because I made a promise that had my balls in a vice. Thank God she wasn’t aware that my word was going to lead me straight to hell.
I pulled out my phone. I asked one of my guys at the bar to accompany poor Irene to the hospital while I dealt with my wife over that jewel that had never left the house.
"I don’t understand why you’re so upset; it was just a little spin. The guy at the door was watching it. Besides, why do you want a bike like that if not to ride it?" she asked, fitting her helmet as if it were nothing.
The very daughter of Russia displayed such serenity that it made me want to shake her. I wasn't a violent guy unless absolutely necessary. The problem was that Nikita triggered every furious molecule in my body. She knew how to mess with me with every word she uttered.
"Get on already! We're in a hurry!" I growled.
"You can go alone if you like, it's you who's worried about
that kid. I could stay and find someone to give me a ride later..."
"Get on!" My gaze was threatening.
"You must have had a terrible lay to be in such a mood. Don’t worry, we’ll have time for you to learn some manners," she commented, finishing getting on.
I didn’t even wait for her to sit properly. I started up not giving a damn if she fell off and rolled down the road. She didn’t.
I saw her man in the swinger area, at the bar. Surely Nikita intended to leave with him after the failed fuck with La Marca's thugs. Well, fuck her! She interrupted mine, and she didn’t deserve a night of sex and orgies.
My other bike was parked in the garage at the back of my bar. Before going to La Marca de Caín, I had to meet with Dante. I received a message from him at the wedding and needed to speak with him.
It had been three days since one of my warehouses was raided, right after receiving a shipment of coke. The drugs were only supposed to be there for five hours before being transported to the port for export. I had several officials bribed and the director blackmailed with some very juicy photos.
It was supposed to be easy. If it hadn't been for the sixteen tons ready to be taken to Hamburg that vanished. It had me unusually pissed off. It was a lot of drugs to have just disappeared! The loss would be in the millions, and my father was going to bust my balls if I didn’t recover the cargo!
I suspected Cheng's men, they were the only ones with enough infrastructure to pull something like that. The most worrisome thing was that if they knew about the cargo, and when to act, it could only be for one reason: that I had a mole in my ranks.
I had no solid evidence, just a hunch.
I ordered Dante, the bar manager, to send some of the guys to watch the Chinese dealer’s runners; I saw no other way they might lead us to where they had my drugs. What worried me most was that the coke might no longer be in the country, and that the bastard had already sent it to France.
Dante mentioned that since time was against us and they hadn’t gotten anything, they thought the best thing would be to kidnap Cheng’s right-hand man.
My guys took him to one of our choirs. That’s what we called the hideouts where we made traitors and enemies sing.
The plan was for me to go there after sleeping with Irene, but with my wife’s irresponsibility, that would have to wait.
I fixed my eyes on the road with bloodshot eyes and a thousand ideas fluttering in my mind.