Page 33 of Koroleva

That was the last straw. A glass, that was exactly what I needed, I grabbed the first one I came across. It was held by some random hand and was thick.

I went straight for her and smashed it over her head.

Irene screamed as she felt the glass shattering against her skull.

Then, everything escalated.

Romeo, who was restrained by the guys so he wouldn't attack me, became enraged and tried to hit Mak. He dodged it, but my husband decided to charge him, turning into a tangle of arms and legs. Luk stepped in to separate them, trying to prevent either of them from getting more hurt than necessary.

I took advantage of the scuffle to grab the redhead's hair, drag that meddlesome bitch, and take her to La Torre. I would have to go to the doctor to get a rabies shot because that wretch had managed to bite me.

I wasn't going to tolerate any damned mark from her, so I used my good physical form to unbalance her, causing her to stumble and end up with her forehead embedded in La Torre...

La Marca's security team had to intervene in the swinger area, and Romeo and I ended up locked in Kai’s office, almost coming to blows, if it weren't for Mak and Luk restraining him.

Vicky, one of the girls from the club, took Irene to tend to her wounds.

The first thing I heard upon entering Kai’s sanctuary was his cutting voice.

"You’ve let things get out of hand, Koroleva," he reproached me, annoyed.

"I’ll pay for any damage caused. It wasn't my intention, Kai, and you know it." He glanced between us.

"We don't want fights here; people come to have fun, not to leave with gashes on their heads."

"Fucking Morgan! Have your dogs let me go, damn it!" Romeo exploded without a hint of humor.

"Speak properly if you don’t want to lose your teeth. No one comes to my house to cause trouble and gets away with it. I know you're upset, but that doesn't justify your behavior." Romeo huffed.

"Your bar is on this same street, what would you do if I went there to cause a scene?"

"I wouldn't...!" whatever my husband was about to say died in his mouth. "Alright. I’ll calm down."

"Much better. Do I have your word that you won’t attack anyone?" Kai and Romeo held each other's gaze.

"You have it," my husband grumbled.

"Good. Let him go," Kai ordered sharply. Romeo stayed in the chair, motionless, sitting beside me.

"I lost my temper. She left an eight-year-old child alone to come here and slut around at your club, I think I have the right to be pissed. How would you feel if it was your wife?"

"First of all, I’m not a judge, nor is Koroleva my wife. As far as I know, she didn’t have any child yesterday, so maybe you need to go home and talk about the foundations of your marriage." My client was defending me, which made me smile. When he wanted, he could be quite reasonable.

"Of course, she didn’t have it, but she married me this morning and I left her with Adriano." Up until now I had kept quiet to avoid further tension, but I couldn’t hold back any longer. It didn’t matter how many times I counted to ten.

"You can’t demand anything from me!" I exclaimed. "It’s your responsibility, if you thought with your dick instead of your head, it's not my fault." Romeo shook indignantly in his chair ready to argue back. This was worse than *The War of the Roses*.

Kai had enough and slammed his hand on his desk.

"Are you kidding me? Do I come to your jobs to hassle you with personal crap? Go to a fucking psychologist or sign up for couple’s therapy, because I’m not the damn Dalai Lama to put up with your shit. I don’t care what you do, but don’t ever make a scene like this in my club again or our relationship will cease to be fruitful. Is that clear? Now, get the hell out of here, I've already wasted enough time." Luk, Mak, escort them to the door and make sure neither of them comes back to the club tonight," he said very seriously.

When I got up from the chair, he gave me a brow raise. Romeo was already headed towards the door. He looked at me, tilting his head, and I couldn't help but smile, mouthing a thank you. He finished off the farewell with a wink.

I had achieved exactly what I wanted; my dear husband would soon need to see a psychiatrist.


False intentions