Page 80 of Calico Descending

I suspect the silence between the two is Cadmus’s best effort not to set Valdys off and bring his enjoyment to a crashing halt, but I appreciate it just the same.

Valdys imparts the same attention to my other breast, his thumb lightly circling the other swollen nipple as the water adds a slippery layer between my flesh and his fingers.

A palm slides up my thigh, and I feel Cadmus’s shaky breath fall against my neck, as his fingers circle my entrance, prodding me with a warning. He guides my arm behind my back, his hand set over mine, as he curls our hands around the base of his shaft, squeezing when he draws our hands up toward the tip. Perhaps only half for his pleasure, but also to show me the pain I would endure with his girth. He escorts my hand back down his length, painting a picture inside my head of what he’d feel like.

I focus on the texture of his flesh, the bumps and ridges that weren’t there the night he put my hands on him before being dragged away to the tunnels. These are the jagged edges of wounds and scarring, of mutilation and inflicted pain. Frowning, I allow his hand to impart a dark and horrific story of a man who was made to suffer. It’s a mental diversion to the ministrations of both men, one that begs me to pull my hand away from him, but I don’t. I allow him to reveal the extent of his punishment and blink away the tears so Valdys doesn’t think it’s Cadmus who’s hurt me.

This isn’t lust, or sex. It’s a silent confession of the hell that breathes within him.

As the I stroke him, he slips his hand around my throat, squeezing enough to part my lips on a gasp, but quickly loosens his grip--I suspect at the look of disapproval Valdys gives him.

Gaze trailing up to Cadmus, Valdys massages both of my breasts, his jaw tight, while I writhe against him in obvious torment from both Alphas. “Gentle,” he warns.

Cadmus releases my hand from his cock, offering some reprieve to my excruciating remorse, and buries his face in my hair, exhaling a shaky breath. “For you? I’ll be gentle.”

An arm bands around my midsection, sending me forward just enough that I fall into Valdys, still on his knees. Stroking his thumb down my temple, Valdys stares back at me, as I clutch his shoulders, undoubtedly taking notice of my preoccupation that’s more for Cadmus than myself.

Eyes closed over tears, I wait for his intrusion to disclose the full scope of his pain and vexation. The agony within him that’s sure to bleed into me with every spiteful thrust.

Seconds pass.

I look up to see Valdys watching him, his brows pinched with confusion.

Before I can turn around, Valdys jumps to his feet, his jaw and muscles tight. One hard yank tears at my shoulder and the water rushes past me, as Valdys puts himself between me and Cadmus. Around his massive body, I peek to find Cadmus clutching his skull, his face screwed up in agony. An angry bellow echoes through the canyon, skating down my spine, and those wounds I felt across his flesh earlier flare to life inside my head.

Quaking with tension, his chest rises and falls, his eyes lost and vacant again.

“Cadmus?” Sidestepping Valdys, I feel a tight grip on my arm and pause.

Valdys shakes his head, his gaze flicking between Cadmus and me.

I take his arm and gently run my thumb over his skin. “Please.”

There’s trepidation in his eyes, telling me he doesn’t trust Cadmus, but when I pry his fingers loose, he doesn’t fight me. Instead, he stands poised, ready for attack.

Quiet mumblings draw my attention back to Cadmus, whose hands have moved to covering his ears. Eyes clamped, he whispers to himself, words I can’t make out over the white noise of the distant waterfall.

Careful not to startle him, I reach out and set my hand against his arm. “Cadmus?”

He recoils, eyelids shooting open, and jumps back from me. Water splashes around him with his backward tripping, and he catches himself again.

“Cadmus what happened just now?”

Lowering his gaze, he frowns and shakes his head, scratching at the needle wound on his arm. “Fuck, I can’t do this. I can’t.”

“Your scars. They hurt you?”

His jaw hardens, his eyes swirling with contempt. “Isn’t as pretty as it used to be, is it?”

“What did they do to you?”

The shine in his eyes brings me to tears, but he doesn’t answer. The defeat staring back at me speaks of every mutilating strike against him. Whatever he’s suffered, it’s destroyed him, both mentally and physically.

He closes his eyes for a moment, as a tear streaks down over a scar on his face, and shakes his head.

I reach out to touch him, and he captures my hand, his eyes burning with venom. He must catch sight of Valdys, and he releases me. With my thumb, I wipe the trail of his tear from his skin. “They did horrible things to you.”

His eyes sweep over everything but me, as if he can’t stand to look at me. “You don’t think I know what this is? A pity fuck. Poor Cadmus. Let’s give a consolation fuck to make him feel better. Piss on you. Piss on both of you!” The tension in his voice carries the sharp bite of anger that he keeps tucked behind his clenched teeth. “You’re the reason those scars are there.”