My brothers didn't understand it, but it was partly their fault. They meant well, but they were severely limiting my relationships.
Axel wouldn't be easily intimidated, and he wouldn't care what my brothers thought. It only made him more attractive.
“I didn't mean to say you shouldn't have dated him. You obviously knew him better and saw something in him no one else did.”
“Something like that.” He was the only one who overlooked my brothers' glares, who didn't have a job he was worried about being fired from due to my brothers' pressure. He was an idiot. “He wasn't worth my time.”
“But you're really okay?”
“I'm not broken up over him, if that's what you're asking.” It had more to do with me. Why did I keep picking these losers? Because at some point, it wasn't just my brothers' influence. I was the one choosing these guys.
It would be better to move somewhere else, see what it would be like to date without my brothers hovering over me. But I wouldn't want to be gone forever. I loved Sanibel and my family.
If I was attracted to the neighborhood mountain man, who could blame me? I wanted to get under him in the worst way. My hormones had literally sprung to life with just one heated look. I'd never felt like this when I was dating Rex. Sex with him was forgettable. Bland even.
I had a feeling Axel knew what he was doing. Despite his gruff nature, he'd make sure I felt good too. Or that was my overly optimistic personality coming through.
I wanted to see the best in everyone—even when there was nothing to see—and I caught on too late like I had with Rex.
My instincts weren't the best. I should stay away from Axel.
“Are you sure you're okay?”
I nodded even though she couldn't see me. It made me feel more confident. “I will be. How did your family take meeting Ryder?”
“I was scared they'd judge me or him?—”
“You need to set some boundaries with your parents. I've had lots of practice with my brothers. They like to meddle, but they know better than to get the information from me.”
“They didn’t though. They had questions for Ryder but I think they liked him, and they want to meet Faith.”
“ Now, you just need to transfer that same energy to yourself. They don't get to say things about your life choices either.”
“That's easier said than done.”
“You make the decisions, and it's none of their business.” I glanced around at the cabin, which was one pallet of brown. Wood floors, planked walls, and overhead beams. It was nice, but it could use some color. I ran through some design choices in my head, a hunter green or navy with white.
“I'll try.”
“Now you’ll have Ryder by your side.” I felt a pang just thinking about what that would be like.
“He's the best.” She sounded happy.
I had a feeling Ryder would stand up for Violet if necessary. He was a genuinely good guy. He pushed Violet away when he was having trouble with his ex, but he realized his mistake and made it right.
I wanted a piece of what she had. But this interest in my neighbor was purely physical. He wasn't my forever guy. I wanted him even if it was a bad idea. I could have some fun without losing my heart, couldn't I?
“I'll let you go so you can enjoy your vacation. You deserve it.”
“Thanks, Violet. I'm happy for you.”
Violet hesitated for a few seconds before she said, “It's okay to want the same for yourself.”
Had she read my mind? Did she realize how hard it was for me to be around her and Ryder? They were so happy, so in love. As much as I admired them, it hurt too.
I hadn't dated anyone who could be that guy for me. Maybe I needed to date guys who were divorced with kids. They knew what they wanted. They weren't pretending they were men in boys' bodies, telling everyone who would listen that they didn't want to get married or have kids.
I was so sick of that kind of guy. I thought it would be okay, but it wasn't. I wanted the whole package—the husband and the family. I just wasn't sure what it would look like yet.