Kaino snorts. “We could. Maybe Xander and I will tease you mercilessly while you can’t move.”
That’s intriguing enough to have me pushing back against Bjorn so I can see both of them. “We could do that?”
“As long as we all consent to it.” Kaino moves closer and leans toward me, conspiratorially. “We could strip him naked and tie him in any number of positions. Even with his injury.” They wink at me. “We could also go classic and tie his wrists and ankles to the bed.”
Bjorn’s grin says he’s completely on board with all of these suggestions.
“But I wouldn’t have to be tied, right? This isn’t a tit for tat kind of thing.”
Kaino shakes their head. “Before we do anything, there will be a very thorough conversation about what we all consent to or don’t consent to. Who can do what. Expectations for during and after. We don’t want any misunderstandings. That’s when people get hurt.”
It sounds exciting, but I like the idea of a discussion first. I’m all about the research, and I feel very behind on that front. “Maybe we can talk this week and try some things out this coming weekend?”
Kaino nods, and we both look at Bjorn. “Hell, yeah. I’m game.”
“Good.” Kaino picks up their food container and tosses it into the paper bag I kept for trash. “Now, minds out of the gutter. Xander, what’s going on with the university? Any word on tenure?”
I shake my head. “Not yet. It’s usually late May or early June, so I have at least two weeks left before I know. Dean Koontz is still being an ass, but the provost assured me that sexual orientation doesn’t weigh in on the decision. I’m hoping she wasn’t just saying that to appease me.”
Bjorn rolls onto his side, pushing up on an elbow. “Koontz better never run into me. That’s all I’m saying.” Kaino and I exchange a look and a smile. That is most definitely not all Bjorn has to say on the subject. “Who does he think he is, anyway? Does he realize he’s playing with people’s careers? That we don’t live in the Dark Ages anymore? He better never run into us at a university function.”
Oh god. I hadn’t really thought about that. I mean, I have, but not more than in passing. Mostly because I don’t know what I’ll do when confronted with the situation. Which I will be, at some point. “About that.” My voice sounds tentative, even to me. “What are your thoughts?”
Kaino frowns. “Thoughts on what?”
I push my glasses up my nose and give a little shrug. “University functions. Holiday parties. Fundraisers. Faculty events.”
They look confused. “What about them?”
“Any university function that faculty must attend usually involves inviting a plus one. We’re a plus two. How do we navigate that?”
Bjorn takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. “Any way you want. I think I can speak for Kaino on this.” He looks at them as he continues talking. “We’re not going to be selfish about this. It’s your job, and you know how to navigate that arena best. We’ll defer to you on how to handle it.”
I smile, grateful that they’re being so sweet, but it isn’t helping me come up with a plan. “But what are my options?”
Kaino jumps in. “Well, I think there are a few. You can always go alone, which is what I’m assuming you’ve been doing so far since you said you haven’t dated in a while. Or you can alternate taking one of us with you to events. Though that might be calling more attention to our situation. Which, for the record, I have no problem with. I just point it out for full disclosure. You can also decide to take the same person to every event and never mention the other person. I won’t speak for Bjorn”—they wink at him—“but I’m fine with that, too. If you always want to take Bjorn, or always want me to go with you, that’s what we’ll do. And if someday they allow a plus two, we can all go to whatever it is.”
“I hate all those options except the last one.” Am I pouting? Maybe a little. But this situation sucks.
Bjorn chuckles. “Well, I’m pretty sure the university isn’t there yet. So we have to come up with a solution that will work within the current parameters.”
“I came out of the closet in my teens. I’m certainly not going back in. I’m gay and polyamorous. They can suck it up.”
Kaino raises a brow. “And what if it costs you tenure? Maybe we should wait to see the outcome there before we go making big decisions.”
I understand what they’re saying. And there aren’t any upcoming events between now and then. “But that feels like cheating.”
Bjorn shakes his head. “It’s not, though. It may feel that way, but it’s a smart move. I’m not saying hide who we are. Or proposing we stop meeting at the cafe on Tuesdays or avoid going out together. I’m saying maybe don’t bring it up with the school if it isn’t relevant to a discussion.”
It’s a fair point, but I still don’t like it. It feels disingenuous. “Okay. I won’t go borrowing trouble, but if someone asks about it, about either of you, I’m not denying you. I’m not denying us. We’re together. We just said we love each other. That’s beautiful and important. You both make me incredibly happy, and I’m sorry, but the university can go stuff it if they think they can bully me into dumping one or both of you. Fuck them.”
“You tell ’em Professor Neilson!” The voice comes from a group of college-aged people sprawled on blankets several yards away. The rest cheer, and a few wave fists in the air.
I blush to the roots of my hair. “Oh dear god.” I’d cover my face with my hands but that would alert the students to my massive mortification, and you never let students see you squirm. Instead I wave and offer a polite, “Thank you.”
“They’ll think you’re cool now. I bet none of them has any other out, poly professors.”
Bjorn’s grin is annoying and incredibly comforting, even if I’m struggling to believe him. “Do you honestly think that?”