Page 64 of Complete Me

Bjorn looks between Xander and me. “Anything to add?” I shake my head, and Xander follows suit. Bjorn looks at the rest of the table. “Okay, you’re up. Go.”

“How long have you been together?” That comes from Gunnar, who genuinely looks curious, not judgmental.

I’m pretty sure we’re all doing some quick math in our heads, but Xander is the one who gets there first. “It depends on when you start counting. It’s been almost exactly three months since we went to visit Bjorn in the hospital. I want to say it’s been about seven weeks since our first unofficial date.” He makes air quotes when he says date. “And I think we all agreed to officially date about two weeks ago.” He looks to us for confirmation, and Bjorn and I both nod our heads.

Gunnar grins. “That was actually more thorough than I expected, so thanks.”

“Next?” Bjorn glances around the table.

Astrid leans in. “Xander, I’m not trying to talk you out of this at all. I swear. And if this is too personal, or something you haven’t thought about because it’s still early days, we can skip the question. But you work for the university, right? And yes, this is Seattle, and we’re all pretty open-minded, but what do you think the school’s reaction will be?”

Bjorn and I both watch Xander carefully, because this is the issue. And we’d be kidding ourselves if we didn’t think it might come back to haunt him. Xander clears his throat and fiddles with his wine glass. “It’s already an issue.” He pauses, flexing his jaw, and Bjorn reaches out to hold his hand. Xander smiles at him and takes a breath. “But ultimately it doesn’t matter, because what I have with Bjorn and Kaino, what this could become, is more important than tenure. I’d hate to change universities, but I’d do it, if it comes down to a choice.”

Her expression is sympathetic. “Hopefully, it won’t.”

Gary clears his throat. “So, as the newbie here, I have a question, if you don’t mind. Where did you all meet? Initially, I mean. Because you didn’t all meet for the first time in Bjorn’s hospital room.”

Bjorn grins. “Actually, that was the first time Kaino and Xander met.”

Xander winks at me, then grins at Gary. “Bjorn and I dated a few years ago, but our careers were hectic and kept us apart more than we were together, and we parted amicably.” He meets my eyes, and the spark there makes me warm all over. “Three months ago, I walked into Bjorn’s room, hoping he would live, determined to ask him out again if he did. But when I got there, this beautiful person was sitting next to Bjorn’s bed. I thought maybe they were together, and I didn’t know if I was more disappointed that I couldn’t date Bjorn or that I couldn’t try to date the stunning stranger next to him.” Xander chuckles. “Let me tell you, that was incredibly disconcerting. I’ve never been attracted to more than one person at a time, and I had no idea what was happening.”

I jump in, deciding it’s best to share my side of things at this point. “It was almost exactly the same for me. Bjorn and I dated several years ago, and we also split because of careers. I saw the news, went to the hospital to check on him, and left in a fog of confusion after having strong feelings of attraction for both Bjorn and Xander.” I wink at Bjorn. “Talk about unsettling.”

Bjorn takes over the story. “Xander and Kaino met up again by chance at the university, and by that point, I was out of the hospital, getting bored and restless at home, so I started texting Xander. A few weeks later, we all met up for coffee.”

Xander adjusts his glasses. “That was our first unofficial date.”

“Have you told your families? What were their reactions?” Jules asks the question and then attempts to shrink back into Erik’s side. Erik wraps an arm around him and kisses his head, not batting an eye. I’m aware that Jules’ social anxiety is a struggle for him, but to be this anxious at the family dinner table, even if it’s because of Xander being a new face, must be exhausting.

Since my explanation is simple, and I’m not sure what Xander’s going to say, I speak first. “My parents are gone, and I was their only child, so for me, there isn’t anyone to tell.”

Expressions around the table are empathetic. Jules frowns. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It was several years ago, but thank you.”

Before things can get more awkward, Xander jumps in. “Both my parents are alive, and I speak with them frequently.” He wrinkles his nose. “To be blunt, I’m not sure how they’ll take it. We’re close but only see each other a few times a year. Usually in summer, when I have more time off.” He shrugs. “If they have an issue with us, I’m guessing it will be short-lived. When I told them I was gay, they were supportive, but I could tell they were worried for me. Once they realized it wouldn’t impact my career or put me in constant danger, it became a non-issue for them. I’m assuming this will be the same.”

“Well, on that note, let me tell you that, if you find you need legal advice, I’m happy to help where I can. If I’m not able to answer your questions, or if you need more specialized representation, I have friends practicing in different areas, and I’d be happy to contact them for you.” Jocelin looks meaningfully at Xander. “We can hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Yes?”

“True. And thank you. That’s very kind.”

Xander actually looks a bit relieved, and I wonder if he’s telling us everything about his situation with the university. Or if he’s actually more worried than he’s letting on. I glance at Bjorn, who has the same concern on his face. Before Xander can see it, Bjorn clears his expression and looks at Erik. “Do you have anything to ask?”

Erik shakes his head. “Nope. I figure you three are grown-ass adults and know what you’re doing. If this makes you happy, then I’m happy.”

Bjorn looks truly surprised, but then his expression relaxes and he smiles at Erik. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” He turns back to the table. “Okay, enough about that. Jocelin, Gunnar, how’s the planning going for the big move?”

Jocelin shoulder bumps Gunnar. “Quite well, actually. Neither of us is a pack rat, but we’re still sorting through our things, trying to consolidate. Most everything in my apartment will remain in place since my parents plan to keep the apartment, and they’ll need it to be furnished when they visit.”

“They will not be staying with us.” Gunnar’s tone leaves no room for negotiation, and there must be a story there.

Good thing Jocelin seems to agree. “Yes. So it’s mostly my clothing and my office that we’ll need to move. And Dracona’s things, but much of her stuff is already at Gunnar’s. I’m still considering hiring a moving service. I’m too busy, and let’s be honest, I have the money, so why not save myself and our friends the hassle?”

“Use Astorino Moving. They’re reasonably priced and reliable. They won’t take advantage.” Bjorn pats his pockets, probably for his phone. “I’ll get the number for you later. But call soon because they book up fast.”

Gunnar’s smile is tight, and I get ready for a confrontation. “Thanks, Bjorn. I think Joce found someone already, though.”

Bjorn nods, but I can tell he’s dismissed Gunnar’s comment. Gunnar can tell as well. “He can cancel them. Astorino’s is owned by the brother of a guy I know on the force. They’ll give you the best deal and be really careful with your stuff.”