Gunnar’s expression shifts from patient to frustrated, and as Bjorn keeps talking, it shifts to angry. Does Bjorn not see this? I’m absolutely positive there will be shouting and probably swearing, and I brace myself.
“So, how’d your last doctor’s appointment go?” Gunnar holds Bjorn’s gaze, practically daring him to return to the prior topic.
Bjorn blinks but rolls with it. “Uh, good.”
“Great. Are you taking it easy? Following his instructions?” If I didn’t know their history, I’d think this was an innocuous family dinner conversation. But I do know their history, and I’m utterly confused.
I’m not the only one thrown by this unexpected exchange. Everyone wears some version of a bewildered expression, including Bjorn. “Yeah. Mostly.”
“And you’re off the pain meds? When do you go back to the doctor for the next follow up? I’ll drive you. Here.” Gunnar fishes in his pocket for his phone. “When is it? I’ll put it on my calendar.”
Bjorn shakes his head. “Nah, it’s okay. I can drive myself.”
“No, really. I’ll drive.”
That’s when Bjorn’s cloth napkin goes sailing across the table and hits Gunnar in the shoulder. “Okay, asshole. Knock it off. Message received.” He actually looks sheepish. “I’m sorry. I really am trying to stop parenting. It’s a very hard habit to break.” He shrugs. “I just want things to be easy for you guys.” He looks around the table at his siblings and their partners. “For all of you. And I have the means to do that. I just—”
“Act like a runaway freight train and plow through the situation?” Gunnar grins at him and throws the napkin back. “We know.”
“Asshole.” I exhale loudly, seeing the tension drain out of both of them. “I was going to say I love you guys and want you to be happy.”
Astrid throws her napkin at him. “Aww. That’s so sweet, Bjorn. We love you, too.”
Erik’s napkin goes flying next. “Yeah. Love ya, man.”
Gunnar pushes back his chair and stands, walking around the table to Bjorn, who watches his progress with a blank expression. When Gunnar reaches him, he hauls Bjorn to his feet and pulls him into a tight hug. “I love you, too. Thanks for the suggestion. And for caring.”
Bjorn sinks into the hug, squeezing Gunnar just as tightly. I can see Bjorn’s face and it guts me. His eyes are closed, and his hands are fisted in Gunnar’s shirt, like if he doesn’t hold on tight enough, Gunnar might drift away. I also see the single tear trail down his cheek.
“Well, before I start crying, and as long as everyone is finished, I think I’ll start clearing the table. Otherwise, it’s going to be waterworks, and nobody needs that.” Astrid sniffs and wipes under her eyes, but we all pretend not to notice. Everyone gets up, and in a few minutes, we have the table cleared and a fairly efficient cleanup going in the kitchen. After hot drinks and dessert, we move to the living room and spend the next few hours catching up with everyone else.
By nine, the house has emptied, and it’s just me, Xander, and Bjorn left. We’re lounging on the couch in a cuddle pile. Not that I need a cuddle, but it’s obvious that Bjorn does, and he asked sweetly, so I’m indulging him. “Xander, are you sure you won’t stay? Bjorn’s running me home tomorrow, so you could go straight to the university from here.”
Xander sighs dramatically. “Unfortunately, no. I still have to finish those tests, and I only have casual clothes here. My work appropriate attire is at my apartment.”
I card my fingers through the long strands of his hair, and he hums happily, eyes closing in pleasure. “I’ve seen what some of the professors wear. You could go in what you have on right now and still be dressier than them.”
“Mmmm. True, but I’d still feel underdressed and out of my element.” Which is important for Xander, so I don’t push.
Bjorn turns and tucks his face into my neck. “More Kaino for me then.”
“You won’t be jealous?” I gently tug on Xander’s hair so he knows I’m speaking to him.
He snorts. “I didn’t say that. But I’m trying to be reasonable about this. I can’t always be with you two.”
“Good boy. I’m proud of you.” It’s said with the utmost sincerity, and his small tremor of pleasure says he knows it, too.
With a groan of protest, he pushes up to a sitting position. “I need to go, or I’ll lose my willpower.” He places a hand on my chest and holds my gaze. “And if I’m responsible, I get a reward, right?”
“Yes. We can talk about what that is after you’re done with your tests.” I stroke Bjorn’s cheek. “Maybe you’d like to join in, Bear. What do you think?”
Bjorn nods and shoves to his feet, hauling Xander up with him. “Yes, please.” Gazing softly into Xander’s eyes, he presses a gentle kiss to his lips. “We’ll miss you, babe.”
“I’ll miss you too. Don’t do anything too fun without me.” His pout has Bjorn melting under the pressure.
I roll off the couch and onto my feet, smacking Xander lightly on the ass. “You have tests to make or grade or whatever. No procrastinating.”
“Grade. And I’m mostly done.”