When I got that call from Wildcat’s mom, I immediately reached out to Tink and Glory. After explaining what I was told, my prez said I was to take Dani and Dottie with me to the airport to pick them up. Now since we have our van and one of the SUVs, I decided on taking the extra-long passenger van, which will give us some room. Dani is following with the smaller SUV for some of the folks coming out this way. Since Dani and Dottie are attached at the hip being twins, I reached out to Presley to see if he wanted to come with. So we have three Devil’s Handmaidens and one Intruder, all of us prospects. Yeah, we draw attention, but hey, that’s who we are.
Presley’s been quiet, not sure what’s up his ass, but as my auntie Zoey taught me, don’t beg for a man’s attention. So as hard as it is I just continue to drive, listening to the radio. When we are just about at the entrance for pickup, he turns the radio down. I glance his way and see how serious he looks. Oh shit, is he going to break up with me while I’m driving? That I won’t be able to handle. I’m still really worried about Wildcat and what’s going on, don’t need boyfriend issues too.
“Hannah, babe, what’s going on between us? I mean, we barely see each other and you seem like I’m bothering you when we are together. Is there someone else you got those gorgeous green eyes on? Just be honest, it’ll tear the fuck out of me but I gotta know.”
Thank God I catch a light coming off the highway. I turn to him, slight surprise I’m sure all over my face.
“Presley, my God, our club has been through the wringer the last year and a half or so. We are barely catching our breaths and now some shit from Wildcat’s past somehow found her here. No, I don’t have my eyes on anyone else, you goof. You are it for me, but if you are looking around at some of the easy girls who are in Timber-Ghost, or those sweet butts at your club, don’t let me hold you back. You knew I wasn’t easy, Presley, when we met and nothing has changed.”
I can feel his anger but at that moment the light changes so I start to go through the intersection. He doesn’t say another word and neither do I. Something is eating at him and I’m not sure what. Maybe he should just be honest and tell me what’s on his mind. That’s when I get an idea.
“Hey, don’t be mad at me. Yeah, we’ve been distracted lately and that’s to be expected the longer we are together, and with all we have to do within our clubs. I know my dad, Tank, is riding your ass and I’m sorry for that. He’s just worried that you might hurt me. Damn it, Presley, you know what’s been going on, I don’t have to tell you. Dad and Mom have been through the wringer, not to mention both have been injured. It’s taken them longer to heal, then Dad goes and has a heart attack. Life is starting to get back to normal. Let’s get through this Wildcat drama and then we can talk. ’Kay? You know I care about you, don’t you?”
He reaches over and grabs my hand. I squeeze his and that’s how we drive to the pickup area of the airport, holding hands. Now usually, the airports don’t want you to leave your vehicle and go into the terminal but because of who we are and what we do, most of the security guards know us. So I park and get out, leaving Presley standing by the van. Dottie also gets out, leaving Dani standing by the SUV. I forgot the sign so I rush back to the van, opening the side door and grabbing it. Before I can go, Presley pulls me close and kisses the snot out of me. Before I can pull him close, he lets me go with a kiss on the nose. When I turn to leave, he cracks my ass hard, but the burn isn’t all bad as I begin to tingle in all the really good places. Damn, does that man get to me. It’s been so rough not giving in, though he’s not pressuring me—never has. I just want to make sure when I do give my V away, it’s the right guy at the right time since once it’s gone, that’s it. I want it to mean something, not just be sex and getting off.
Dottie and I enter the airport and stand off to the side. I have the sign at my side, waiting for the passengers to start coming down the escalator. Dottie asks me what I think about what’s going on, and we start to talk about the situation with Wildcat. I keep glancing back and forth toward the escalator because I don’t want to miss our sister’s family. When I hear Dottie let out a small “Holy shit,” I turn my head and almost drop the sign as I see an older version of Wildcat with a very handsome older man. Behind them are two gorgeous guys. Both are hot, though one knows it and it shows, while the other is more reserved. I raise the sign just as the reserved one starts looking around. He points to us and the older couple, once off the moving stairs, makes their way to us. I lean the sign against the wall. The older woman approaches me, hand out.
“Hannah? Hi, I’m Billie, this is Enzo. We’re Frankie’s parents. This is Malcolm. Not sure you know who he is, but he and Frankie go way back. And that rogue is Michael.”
I hear Dottie snicker at what Billie said. Michael immediately moves his eyes from me to check out Dottie. And check out he does, from head to toe and back up. Dottie gives it right back until I shoulder bump her. Then I give my attention to Wildcat’s parents.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Yes, I’m Hannah, but my club’s name is Squirt. This is another prospect, Dottie. We have our vehicles outside, ready to take you to the ranch.”
The woman looks to her husband and the younger man named Malcolm. He steps forward and I can tell he’s either uncomfortable or in pain, though not sure why.
“Hi, Hannah, I mean, Squirt, call me Mal. We were going to check into a hotel and maybe grab something to eat before we spring this surprise on Frankie. Any suggestions?”
“Mal, our prez would skin us alive if we didn’t take you back to the ranch. There are en suites in the main house and a few empty cabins behind, so you can have your pick. We figured once y’all are settled, we can pop back into town as Wildcat is managing our club bar and grill—The Wooden Spirits. Can probably grab a bite to eat there. Nice to meet you, sorry it’s under these circumstances. I was the one who brought this to Wildcat, as I was at the coffee shop when the guy was asking questions about her. Something about him didn’t sit right with me, so I took a picture and went right to her. The rest is history.”
The other guy, Michael, comes forward, his hand stretched out toward me. I take it and he shakes, giving me a million-dollar smile. Then he turns to Dottie, doing the same thing. Something about Michael is off, like he’s trying too hard to impress. As we all get acquainted, my gut tells me whatever went down involved Wildcat, Malcolm, and maybe even Michael, I’m not sure. I know Wildcat was explaining in great detail the situation to Tink, Glory, and Shadow. I’m sure we’ll all be filled in when the time is right. My job is to get these folks back to the ranch, so that’s what I’m going to do.
“Does anyone have checked luggage? If not, let’s get moving so we don’t hit a ton of traffic. Have any of you been to Big Sky Country before? Sorry, that’s what we call the state of Montana. So if no one has been out here, you’re in for a treat. Best place in the world to live, though that’s my opinion. Wait ’til you see the mountains and wildflowers growing all over. Let’s get the luggage in the SUV with Dottie and Dani. Miss Billie, Mr. Enzo, you can take the bucket seats in the van, they are comfortable. Mal and Michael can sit in the third row, should be enough leg room.”
Michael is the last to come toward the vans. He looks to the one I’m driving with Presley leaning—well-now he’s standing—arms crossed on his kutte, looking either pissed or jealous. Not sure, thought we settled his nerves about us. Michael must read his expression because he grins before coming to me, leaning down to whisper in my ear.
“Do you mind, Hannah, if I ride with the twins? Gives you time to get to know Frankie’s family a bit. And it will give me a quick minute to get to know Dottie, I mean Dottie and Dani.”
I laugh because, man, does he have game. And he smells so good, though not as good as Presley does. I nod and tell him to go ahead if my sisters don’t have a problem with him riding along. He goes to talk to the twins as I watch Presley help Billie into the van, then he shuts the door after the men are in. He turns to me, so I walk up to him.
“Want me to drive, Hannah, so you can talk to them? I don’t mind at all, really.”
I put my hands on his waist and lift on my toes to gently kiss his lips. I can tell he’s kind of shocked because I’m not too big on public displays of affection, or PDA, as us young people call it. I’m doing this to claim him in front of the other guys and to put him at ease. When his hands pull me closer, I let him. Just as we start to kiss deeper, I hear a shout from Dottie.
“Would you two get a room already? Fu…. I mean, damn, let’s get moving, Squirt.”
Pulling apart, I smile at her while giving her the finger, which she promptly returns. I look up at Presley and wink, which has him laughing. Then he walks me to the passenger door, opens it for me, and helps me in. After slamming it shut, he walks around the front of the van and gets into the driver’s seat.
“So are we ready to get this party on the road, people? Next stop is the ranch but if ya have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. This is going to take about two plus hours or so, depending on traffic. Relax and in that cooler between the seats there are waters, pops, and teas, if anyone wants one. Also, we have some granola bars and fruit in the burlap shopping bag. Help yourselves.”
As Presley pulls out, I look back to see Wildcat’s mom and dad looking around, but it’s Malcolm who catches my eye. He seems extremely nervous so I give him a tiny grin, which he nods at. Well, guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out. One thing I know for certain is, our prez didn’t tell Wildcat she’s about to have guests. Not sure I’d have played it like that, but that’s why Tink’s the prez. Fingers crossed she’s doing the right thing. We will see, I think to myself as Billie hands me two waters, one for Presley and one for me.