Page 7 of Wildcat



Shit, I’m running on damn fumes at the moment. For some reason we are once again swamped at the Wooden Spirits tonight, and it’s not even the weekend yet. No live music or anything, but just about every table is full of folks and the bar area is hopping. And for some reason there is an unusual number of Devil’s Handmaidens here. I mean, yeah, we all come to eat here at times as we have the best cook, who can put together a badass plate of food. Though tonight something is up. I can feel it in my gut, just don’t know what. Shadow, Glory, and Taz are in my office in the back. Taz has her feet up because the edema in her feet seems to be getting worse day by day.

Peanut is busting her ass yet again. We need to talk; she needs to get someone else for her team to help if we continue to be so busy. Well, some of the sisters help when necessary but we need a permanent person to help her. Kiwi’s at the bar while Heartbreaker is jumping to keep up with the tables. I see Kitty giving Peanut a hand, which is great.

When I turn around, I see Vixen at a table taking an order. Well, holy fuck, when did our road captain start waiting tables? I watch as she leans from foot to foot. I’m guessing her huge pregnant belly is starting to bother her. Not sure what’s got her up and about, but she’s about to pop. And so is Taz, that’s why I know something ain’t right for both to be here. With that thought, I turn to see Teddy and Olivia, as usual holding hands, coming toward me. When they reach me, Olivia steps forward and gives me a hug while Teddy’s eyes take me in. Damn, every time he’s around, I get this feeling of security and peace. Weird coming from a kid, but hey, weirder shit has happened.

“Auntie Wildcat, have you seen my momma? Dad is outside talking to Yoggie and Noodles but we’re starving, so maybe we can get Momma to talk to the cook to feed us. I mean, we’ll even clean our messy dishes up, promise.”

Teddy is so frigging adorable. I lean down to their level first. Then give it to them both.

“Follow me, let’s get you both into the kitchen and at the special table in there. I believe, if you ask nicely, the cook will make her all-time, awesome grilled cheese sandwiches for you.”

They both grin and nod their little heads. I make my way past everyone and head toward the kitchen when a little hand grabs mine. Thinking it’s Olivia, I look down to see it’s Teddy. Something tells me to lean down toward him, so I do.

“Auntie Wildcat, I’m always around if you need anything. I might not be like all the other kids, but I do love you very much. Momma tells me to always be honest and that’s what I’m doing. Hang on, I brought this for you.”

I watch as he reaches in his pocket, pulling out one of the pretty little bags Taz always has on her. Inside I can see maybe a disc or circle. Teddy reaches inside and pulls out a black cord with something hanging from it. When he hands it to me, I can then make out it’s some form of a necklace with a shit, what does Taz call it? I take a second or two when it comes to me—a tree of life in a circle made of crystals. Then Teddy continues.

“Momma says the tree of life helps with the connection between past and present. Wear it all the time, Auntie Wildcat. I hope you like it as Momma and I made it.”

For some reason I get very emotional but under Teddy and Olivia’s watchful eyes, I put the necklace on. When he smiles, I reach down and very carefully give him a kiss on the top of his head. Being that Teddy is autistic, we are all very careful in our approach to him. With therapy and the interaction of the club, he’s come a long way. Once I’m done kissing on him, we make our way back to the kitchen, where our cook gets busy making two special plates for these two very special kids.

Damn, I don’t think this night is ever going to end. I mean, it’s not even nine o’clock but with the way my body feels, you’d think I’ve been working for twenty-four hours straight. Kiwi is in the kitchen helping our cook catch up on orders, while Heartbreaker is manning the bar and waitressing. Peanut is busy cleaning up. Now to my utter surprise while Taz and Vixen are sitting down sipping on lemon water, Shadow is helping at the bar—save us all—and Glory is backup in the kitchen. My God, am I in an alternate universe? Why is just about every Devil’s Handmaidens sister at the Wooden Spirits tonight? And the looks I’m getting are starting to freak me out. Just when I’m about to ask one of them what’s up, Tink comes toward me with a serious as fuck face on. In one of our large circular booths off to the left I see Noodles, Panther, Yoggie, Enforcer, and Avalanche. Oh wait, here comes Ironside pulling a chair to the edge of the booth. The gang’s all here runs through my head while I wait for whatever Tink’s about to say.

That’s when I feel them all getting close. First the waddlers approach. Somehow both Vixen and Taz manage to grab a small table close to where we are. Then Shadow and Glory, along with—well, shit—when did Raven and Duchess get here? Finally, Rebel, Kiwi, and Heartbreaker step out of the kitchen and start to come our way. Tink waits for them all to surround me. Just when she’s about to talk, Peanut and Kitty come our way almost running, waving their hands.

“Tink, Squirt is about to pull up. Just wanted you to know.”

The feeling in my gut is spreading. Haven’t had this feeling since when I was a recruit cop back home. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up, I’m sure. Before I can ask what the fuck is going on, Tink turns back first, looking around at each sister then at me. That’s when it hits me that somehow the bar and grill is filled with just us and our family. The patrons who were in here maybe ten or fifteen minutes ago are gone. I start to move backward but Shadow is right there. When I go to move around Tink, Glory is there to stop me. Then before I can think about what I’m about to say, I lose it.

“What the hell is going on? Why are you all closing in on me? You’re making me nervous, like something bad is about to happen. Did you find something out about that guy Squirt saw? Did you track him down, Raven? Come on, talk to me, please. This is making me utterly crazy, as you can tell, because I never lose control. Can someone tell me why this is happening?”

Tink moves closer and grabs my hands. Now our prez is extremely petite, but the strength just in the way she’s holding my hands gives me a moment of peace in my scattered thoughts. Until she opens her mouth.

“Wildcat, what I’m about to say is probably going to piss you the fuck off. Not our intention but after we spoke with you, decided that you needed this. If we’re wrong, I’ll apologize now and later, but in about I don’t know, four or five minutes, there are some folks who are going to walk in here to see you. How you react is on you, but know they’ve come a long way to make sure you’re okay. No, give me a few more seconds. Raven has been working and has gotten closer, but apparently this asshole has found somewhere to hide out that isn’t on the radar. Both Raven and Freak have been working on this since Squirt told us yesterday. They will give us an update tomorrow afternoon at the ranch, in our meeting room. Until then you’re off the clock. Nope, don’t argue with me on this, Wildcat. We love you, sister, always have. Oh shit, okay. Well, it’s time. Remember what our club is about and maybe you’ll understand why we did what we did.”

I look at her and turn to look at my other club sisters when the door opens and I see Squirt, Dottie, Dani, and oh my God… my mom and dad. Before I can think, I’m pushing my way to them as they are moving quickly my way. When I feel my dad’s arms around me, I start to cry silently. Until Mom pushes in between us, tears running down her face.

“What the heck? How did you find me and so quickly? We just talked yesterday. Mom, don’t cry. I’m okay, see… everything is okay.”

Something, not sure what, has me look up and past my mom, and that’s when I see him. My God, I can’t believe he’s here. He’s more handsome than I remember, and damn, he’s grown into that body of his. I’m afraid to look into his beautiful multifaceted green-blue-grayish eyes, in case they have that look from when he told me to get the fuck outta his hospital room and keep walking out the door and his life. And take these problems with me. When I get the courage up to look at him, I see he’s not only staring at me but his eyes are glistening. What the hell? And behind him is his bestie, Michael. He’s also watching me but with a different look. A wary kind of on-guard stare, which I don’t fully get. He was never a one-hundred-percent fan of mine. Probably the cop issue, though as far as I know he’s never been in trouble with the law but some of his friends have, big time. When I see Squirt making her way to me, I move away from my mom and dad. She comes right to me and squeezes me tightly in her little arms.

“If you want, I’ll make them leave. Tink told us not to tell you and we all knew why. If you had a clue your folks and Malcolm were on their way here, you’d have run away and never would have come back to us. This way you have all of us for support and your family, so together we can figure out what to do next. And damn, Wildcat, he’s hot. That’s him, right?”

That brings a small smile to my face. Leave it to Hannah to break through the dark mood. She has such a way about her. A little of Tink, a bit of Tank, and mainly Momma Diane. I love this little sister so much and she’s been through the wringer and came out the other side still smiling, with those twinkling green eyes that seem to miss nothing. She has the same spidey senses as Shadow, which is scary as they aren’t even related. Though our enforcer found her in a hole in the ground being held there by her biological father. No one ever found out what he planned to do with her. He kidnapped her when she was a child and Shadow found her when she was nearly nineteen. Only God knows what she saw in all that time. But she still is so innocent in many ways, thank Christ.

With my eyes on Hannah—nope, gotta get used to calling her Squirt—I didn’t see my Mal… No, what the hell? I mean, Malcolm move closer. When I hear a deep raspy throat clear, I can feel him before a word comes out of his mouth. I feel my body reacting to him being close and part of me is glad to see I’m still alive, because the very few times I’ve tried to be with a man there was nothing. It was like that part of me was dead. Well, it just woke the fuck up for sure, if the way my body is reacting is a sign. My nipples are hard peaks and between my legs is getting wetter by the minute. Shit, can you believe I’m turned on during one of the most intense moments in my entire life? Should have known all I needed was my Malcolm.

Then I hear that voice and I can swear half of my club sisters sigh at his tone, which I like because of the natural gravelly growl in it. I don’t want to but I look up into those stunning colorful eyes of his, and I’m lost. It’s like the last couple of years didn’t happen. Everyone else in the room disappears as our eyes speak to each other. The feelings, emotions, and damage all come to the surface. I feel it before I can help it. Squirt looks up and must see it too because she starts to yell for Shadow, Tink, Rebel, Glory, Raven, and whomever else. I don’t hear it because I’m fading fast. The last thing I remember before it goes completely dark is my mom calling my name, as my dad is yelling for someone to catch me. Then those powerful arms wrap around me as I go under, though his unique scent reaches my nose before all else disappears. I take a whiff and know I’m totally fucked. My Malty is here. For good or bad, he’s here.