Page 2 of His Paradise

“There she is now, my lovely bride.” David says, snorting a laugh as he waves a hand in her direction. Nina nods, a polite smile on her face as she nervously watches the interaction. That’s when I notice that we are alone out here.

“Markus.” I say. His smile drops from his face as he steps away from David, yawning as he stretches his arms above his head.

“I’m afraid my engagement gift isn’t very exciting.” Markus says. One of the bodyguards pulls his gun out, and I point the barrel of mine to his head and pull the trigger. The next few moments feel as if time has slowed down, and I watch Markus point his gun at David. But he’s quick, slapping the weapon down and away from his chest.

The shot rings out, and David roars as he collapses face down and doesn’t move. Nina slams into me, knocking the two of us to the ground as a third shot pops off, then a fourth. Warm blood drips down the sleeve of my jacket and Nina cries, clutching her shoulder as she rolls onto her back.

“Nina, look at me. You’re going to be okay, just take slow and deep breaths.” I try to reassure her, but I can see the terror and agony on her face. I take off my jacket, blanketing her with it as I rip the sleeve off of my button up shirt.

“Hurry up, Aden. We don’t have much time.” Markus helps me tighten the bandage around her arm as she continues to bleed, her skin taking an ashen tone. My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I scoop her up, stepping over the three bodies as I race after Markus. People have started coming out to check on the ruckus and we have to get her somewhere safe.

“We can drop her off at the closest emergency room,” Markus starts to say.

“No, they’ll think she had something to do with David’s death, Nina will be in danger. She’s coming with us.” I cut him off, diving into the backseat of his car.

“You gave me shit for taking care of Isabelle against her will, now look at you.” He smirks at me through the mirror.

“You kidnapped her!” I shout.

“Potatoes, tomatoes.” He waves me off, nearly tipping the car up onto two wheels as he careens through traffic on the busy road. I cradle Nina’s limp body in my arms, making sure not to jostle her too much as her closed eyes flutter.

“That’s not at all how that saying goes, just get us back safely.” I snap.

Chapter one


Watching her sleep next to me was the greatest feeling on this earth. Aside from our son's cries from the baby monitor. I jump up, rushing to scoop him from his crib in the nursery. Leo quiets down quickly, scrunching his face as he yawns. His soft curls make me smile as I brush my hand over them, cradling him to my chest as I rock softly.

“What do you say we let mommy get a little more sleep, buddy?” I ask, smiling down at him as he grunts and wiggles in my arms. I carefully lay him on the changing table, putting a clean diaper on him while he voices his displeasure with tiny whines and grumbles.

“You’ve got your mommy’s hair, lucky boy. I hope you look exactly like her. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” My voice is soft as I whisper to him, brushing kisses over his tiny head as I pick him up and sway in place.

“You boys having fun?” Nina yawns as she walks up, laying her head on my shoulder as she rubs her knuckle over his cheek.

“Now that our favorite person is here, hell yeah we are.” I grin at her, placing a soft kiss to her lips. Leo whimpers, his lips curling into a pout as he works himself to tears.

“He wants something that I don’t have the equipment for,” I say, following her to the rocking chair as she takes Leo and starts nursing him. My phone dings, the screen showing Luna’s name. I clench my jaw, fighting the urge to roll my eyes at my sister's name. The text message is short, and almost makes me smile.

“Jared finally came to his senses?” Nina asks, a knowing smile on her face.

“Apparently they’re married, Luna didn’t want a wedding and we are forbidden from interrupting their honeymoon for the next month.” I shake my head, internally cringing. Nina smiles up at me, taking my hand in hers.

“I hope they have at least half the love that we share.”

I kiss the back of her hand, turning the lights down as I leave them to snuggle and enjoy their quiet little bubble. I have work to do, which consists of finding out who keeps screwing with our deliveries before my dad rips me a new one. Or worse, our boss Lucian. Just as I open my laptop, my phone rings and I answer without looking at the screen.

“Well that was quick,” Isabelle’s voice carries over the phone and I can hear the smile in her tone.

“I’m in a bit of a time crunch here, Isabelle. Unless you want Lucian dad to skin me alive,” I grumble, fingers skittering across the keys as I check our security cameras.

“I don’t understand why everyone is so scared of him, my dad is just a big teddy bear.” I can hear her husband Alec cough in the background, covering up his laughter.

“Towards you and Amelia, yes.” He says, his voice getting louder as he gets closer to the phone.

“Aden, I spoke to Lucian earlier today. Our delivery of weapons has been intercepted again, and those trackers you placed went unnoticed. I’m sending you the information now. Want me to pull Jared in?” Alec asks, but he’s interrupted by the sound of a soft smack.

“We are not interrupting their honeymoon. Luna would kill both of you. I am a little hurt that they didn’t even have a real wedding though.” Isabelle huffs, and Alec blows out a grumbled sigh.