Page 1 of His Paradise



Icheck my gun once again, tucking it into the waistband of my dress pants and adjusting my stiff jacket to keep it hidden. A soft knock at the bathroom door makes me roll my eyes as I twist the faucet on, flicking my fingers under the water as I whistle to myself. I comb my damp fingers through my hair, tucking the blonde strands back into place. Another knock sounds, this time with more urgency, and I yank the door open with a smile.

“My apologies,” I say, nodding my head to the scowling face of an older man. He rolls his eyes, brushing past me before I can step out of his way. Taking in my surroundings, I casually stroll through the extravagant home amongst the crowd of people. These rich families have everything, including an obnoxious fountain in the middle of their foyer. But I’m not here to complain about their expensive taste.

“Makes you wonder what somebody is hiding when they flaunt their wealth so carelessly.” A soft voice says, catching me off guard in the chatter of conversation around me. A woman steps around me, smiling at me from the corner of her eye. She is wearing a pale pink gown that is strapless, showing off her gorgeous bronze skin. I watch her graceful movements as she sits on the edge of the fountain, stretching her legs out as she rolls her ankle, frowning at the heels she wears.

“Makes me wonder what type of woman willingly puts herself through so much pain for a pair of shoes hidden under your dress.” I say, stepping closer. She giggles, and the sound is enchanting. I’m drawn closer to her, from the beautiful smile to the shy way she peers at me through her lashes.

“You’ve got a point about that.”

“Aden,” I say, holding my hand out. She places her hand in mine, and I brush a kiss across her knuckles, not missing the blush that stains her cheeks.


“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” I say, shamelessly flirting. She grins, opening her mouth to speak, but snaps her jaw shut when she looks over my shoulder.

“Apologies, am I interrupting?” A man says, bumping his shoulder into mine as he steps past. Nina quickly stands, smoothing her dress as she nervously laughs.

“No David, I was just resting for a moment and this gentleman was making sure I was alright.” She says in a placating tone. David grabs her upper arm roughly, jerking her to his side as he gives me a disgusted look.

“You can’t stop lazing about, even for our engagement party?” He snaps while he drags her away. My hands flex as I reach for my gun, but Nina locks eyes with me over her shoulder. She smiles sadly as they leave, hurrying to keep up with his long strides.

“For a bunch of rich folks, the food sucks.” Markus complains, walking past me with his cheeks stuffed. I’m still staring after Nina’s retreating head of brown curls in the crowd when Markus pops his head in front of my face.

“Did you find the target yet?” He asks, green eyes shining in amusement. I roll my eyes, shoving past him. If I had known years ago that becoming best friends with Isabelle would mean working alongside her two husbands, I might have reconsidered our friendship. Or taking her on as my first serious job.

“David Killinger is just up ahead, but we can’t exactly take him out with all these people watching.” I mutter, staying far enough back that his bodyguards won’t notice me, but close enough to keep an eye on them.

“Oh, so you were eye fucking his fiancé?” Markus says, smirking when an older woman gives him a shocked expression. Markus winks at her, taking the glass of champagne she was holding as we pass.

“Could you try to blend in a little better?” I clench my jaw, fighting the urge to shout at him. Markus sighs, dropping the glass to let it shatter on the floor. All eyes nearby turn to us, and I drag a hand over my face in irritation.

“You’re so boring. Looks like your damsel might be in distress.” He leans close, nodding ahead.

David has his mouth against Nina’s ear, and to those around us in the formal ballroom, they appear to be two lovers sharing a secret.

But I know fear when I see it, even though Nina is putting on a brave face. The redness creeping up her neck and widened eyes tells the truth. Before I can follow them up onto the grand staircase, Markus grabs the collar of my jacket and pulled me to a stop.

“Now who isn’t blending in?” He taunts. David lets go of Nina, the two of them facing the crowd. Somebody taps a glass, getting everyone's attention as David flashes a fake smile.

“Thank you all for joining us to celebrate the upcoming marriage between Nina and I. I am truly blessed to have a woman like her standing at my side.” He beams at Nina, who smiles up at him, her arm linked through his. David waves his hand and the lights dim as the band strikes up a slow song. Markus nods to me and we split up, keeping our eyes locked on the couple.

David pulls away from Nina, leaving her standing on the floor as he makes his way to the open bar.

“Do you need a dance partner?” I ask, stepping up close to her. Nina smiles, but I can see the unshed tears in her eyes as she turns and walks away. That’s when I notice that she’s unguarded. This prick has left his bride to be completely vulnerable and it pisses me off. I easily follow her through the double doors, and out into the garden. She leans on the rail that separates the patio from the flowers that surround the garden. I keep my steps silent as I prowl behind her, giving her space while watching over her.

“If you’re here to kill me, just get it over with.” Nina says, her voice breaking as she turns to face me. The sight of tears tracking down her cheeks, dripping from her full lips, drags me closer. Further away from my mission.

“I would never hurt you, Nina.” My words are so soft, I’m not sure she’s heard me. She laughs, the sound humorless as she folds her arms over her chest.

“You’re not on the guest list, are you? You’re not with the caterers, and David is waist deep in debt to multiple mafia families. I am not stupid.” She says, venom in her words. I shake my head, leaning against the rail next to her.

“No, I imagine that you’re as smart as you are beautiful. David is tangled in more than just debt.” I say, tucking a strand on her behind her ear. “Run, Nina. Find somewhere safe and get away from him.” I say, turning to leave.

“Are you going to kill him?” She asks, catching my sleeve. I pull away, not looking back at her as I watch David step outside, his arm around Markus’ shoulder as they laugh together. Markus winks at me while they step towards the gardens, overlooking the maze. David’s bodyguards keep sharing worried glances, clearly on edge by Markus acting too friendly.