She was fucking exquisite.
I planned to take tonight slowly, but the way she was looking at me had my mouth watering for a taste of her. I lowered my mouth, flicking my tongue over her nipples just lightly enough to tease her. She gripped my hair, jerking my head backwards to shove her tongue inside my mouth as she climbed atop me, her knees barely reaching the bed next to each hip.
“You’re pretty spry for your age.” She murmurs between kisses and I still beneath her, my lips freezing as she sits up to frown at me.
“My age?” I snarl, watching her lips twitch in amusement.
She shrugs, crossing her arms to push her perfect tits up even more as I grip her thighs. I raise my hips while pulling her forward, dragging her wet pussy over my cock and making her gasp.
“Maybe you’re right. I don’t know if you’re even tall enough to ride this ride.” I say, sighing and shaking my head as I act like I’m going to push her away.
Luna gives me a glare before rising up onto her knees, grips my length and slowly lowers herself. I have to fist the sheet on either side of us to let her take charge, keeping myself from thrusting into her with no control.
Luna whimpers when she finally rests with me entirely inside her, tilting her head to the side as she runs both hands up her body to twist and pinch her nipples.
“Lunatic.” I mutter, bouncing her upwards once and making her squeal. She grins at me, rocking her hips until she finds a motion that makes her breath hitch. Luna riding me has me struggling to keep from spilling inside her, but I hold back while watching her chase her pleasure.
I finally release my grip on the blankets, grabbing her hip with one hand and strumming her clit with the other. My name falls from her lips with every breath, and my thrusts match hers as I rise to meet her. I don’t take my eyes off her, her mouth dropping open as she throws her head back and cries my name to the heavens.
I’m a man losing control, my thrusts coming faster until the feeling of her wrapped around my cock becomes too much to bear and I spill inside her. Luna’s name sounds like a prayer spoken by a broken man from my lips.
And in a way, it is. I am a broken man, but she could put the pieces back together. If I didn’t break her first.
Smoke made my eyes sting as I threw my arm over my mouth to smother my choked cough. The smell of gasoline was ripe in my clothing, and my body was trembling. But I had done it, exactly as James Barone had asked me. He swore to me I would get to be a leader if I didn’t screw this up, and it was to protect his sons, Alec and Markus. Pride flared at the realization that at twenty years old, I would be a leader in the Barone family.
Shielding my eyes as I slunk off into the trees, a scream rips through the night. I stop moving as I peer up through the windows that are now filling with the blaze. My watch chimed again, once more warning me I was out of time. James had told me to get the job done in under five minutes and get out.
I had no time to survey the area, but he had sworn to me that this was where a rival gang was staying. A rival that had put a hit on his oldest son’s head. But that scream sounded childlike, and I had to be sure. The piece of paper I pulled from my pocket had this address on it, but when I looked up, I saw them. A mother screaming for help as she tried to wrench the window open. A little girl dangled limp in her arms.
What had I done?
I tried to run forward, but the house was just beyond reach. The windows blew outward with enough force to knock me on my ass as I threw arms up to cover my eyes. Heat flared across my flesh as everything changed.
“Monster!” the woman screamed at me.
She now stood on the lawn, fire consuming her and the little girl as they stared at me with anguish in their features.
“Jared, you did this.” The little girl said, her voice distorted.
“Please, I didn’t know.” I beg crawling to reach them as the flames filled the space around me.
“Jared!” a voice calls, pleading with me.
What had I done? I was a monster.
Luna’s face filled my blurry vision, her hair wild as the fear in her eyes as I shot forward, gasping for air. My lungs burned as if I was still there, trapped in the nightmare from twenty-two years ago. She shoves a glass of cold water into my hands and drapes a wet cloth around my neck.
“It’s okay, I’m here. It was just a dream.” Luna comforts me, tipping the glass until I take long swigs and she takes the empty glass. I drop my face into my hands, mentally cursing myself. Luna’s weight presses the bed next to me and then her arms wrap protectively around my shoulders.
“It seemed pretty bad. You can talk about it, you know? It might help.” She says, kissing my temple. My shoulders shake with a humorless laugh as I sit up to look at her, my lips curled in disgust with myself.
“Talking can’t fix my mistakes, Luna. My nightmares are my penance.” Is all I say, cupping her cheek before sliding from the bed.
The day drifted past in a blur, my nightmares haunting me while Aden argued that Luna’s plan was the better option. Luna brought me out of my thoughts when she slid her hand into mine and squeezed. My focus snaps back to the large kitchen and dining room we were all sitting in.
“We don’t have any other choice. This one is the safest for everyone.” She says, pleading with me. Aden sits down across from us, folding his hands on the table and looking from his sister to Alec. Hesitation in his demeanor wears on my already thin patience.
“Spit it out.” I snap, losing patience.