Page 21 of Jared's Redemption

“Our father never offered your hand in marriage to Steffen.” He says, crossing his arms and sitting back while Luna processes.

“Then who did?” I ask.

“Our mother.” Luna’s voice is soft, as if a ghost had whispered it.

The look on her face is that of a broken girl, one who had known nothing but cruelty from this woman.

“She won’t answer any of our calls, so for the time being, we don’t know her true motivation behind it. She told our father you volunteered to do it.” Aden admits, and I watch all the color drain from Luna’s face as she shakes her head slowly.

“I would never. She told me that our father set this up to save Isabelle.” Her emotion is apparent on her face, betrayal, and anger warring to the surface. What type of mother could do this to their little girl? Alec picked up the baby monitor in his hand, shaking his head before sitting it down. I knew he was thinking the same thing, looking at his daughter and imagining her in Luna’s position.

“It doesn’t matter, because we are going through with it.” Luna says, surprising all of us.

“I think we should wait and find out your mother’s motives. Something doesn’t sit right with me,” Alec says, sharing a look with me.

I nod my head, agreeing with him. Luna squeezes my hand, drawing my eyes to hers.

“Just trust me, Jared. Please.” She begs.

“I think we should let her decide. It’s her life on the line, after all.” Markus says, walking in with his arms full of groceries and Isabelle following behind him.

“I second that.” Isabelle says, giving me an apologetic look.

“Jared?” Luna asks, her tone hopeful.

I drop her hand, standing up and walking towards Amelia’s room.

“Fine. I don’t give a shit.” I say with a shrug, following Amelia’s little voice calling from her room.

Chapter 14- Luna

My heart was aching in my chest as I watched him walk away from me, as if he really didn’t care. Maybe he didn’t. I chew my lip until Alec snorts, handing the baby monitor to Isabelle.

“Your daughter launched a stuffed animal right at his head when he opened her door.” He says, kissing her cheek. Isabelle snickers, winking at me.

“She takes after mommy.” She says.

“Thank God for that.” Aden mutters, pulling his phone out and excusing himself to make a call. Isabelle takes his place across from me as her husbands put away the groceries.

“He hides when his emotions get the best of him. He was taught that they made him weak. When Amelia came along, it was like she opened an entire world for him. Even so, it’s hard to change your way of thinking.” She says, tilting her head towards the hallway. I nod, sitting back with a sigh.

“He’s like that with you, too. Don’t let him shut you out,” Isabelle says, waving me off. Finally finding my courage, I follow the sounds of giggles, followed by a deep chuckle.

“Jaw-wed, fix!” Amelia shouts, shoving a princess doll in his face and a sparkly hair tie. He sighs, softly braiding the doll hair while I watch with my shoulder leaning against the doorframe behind him.

“’Truder alert!” Amelia shouts, picking up a plastic sword and leveling it at me. Throwing my hands up, I feign a fearful expression.

“No, your majesty, I come in peace.” I say, bowing my head to the sword wielding girl in a bright pink princess dress. Jared glances up at me, snorting a laugh, as Amelia puts her weapon down and waves me into the room.

“You can braid hair.” I say, pointing out the obvious when I am unsure of what else to say. Jared just nods, glancing at me from the corner of his eye while handing the doll back to Amelia. I sit down between them, admiring the tea party of stuffed animals around us.

“You Jaw-weds friend?” Amelia asks, sitting in my lap and looking up at me excitedly. I hesitate, unsure of what to do with the small child.

“Her name is Luna.” Jared says, reaching out to pinch her cheek affectionately.

The soft look on his face that is reserved just for this little girl makes my heart melt. I’m grateful for the birth control shot right now, because the idea of him as a father is delicious.

“Hi Luna. My Amelia!” She says excitedly, sticking her little hand out for me to shake. I cradle her tiny hand, giving her an enthusiastic handshake that makes her throw back her head and laugh.