Page 91 of Why Not Both?

I wake to the sound of my phone ringing. My neck and back hurt from how I’ve been sitting. I reach into my jeans pocket and fish out my phone.


“Where are you?” Vic asks.

“I’m at my place.”

“You dumbass. You have no furniture.”

“I know,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

“Where did you sleep?”

“On the floor.” I’m even more tired now that I had been before I fell asleep.

“Fuck, Spencer. Why do you have to be so…”

“Extraordinary?” I ask in a lame attempt at a joke.

“Extra,” Vic says. “You coming home before your dad’s?”

“Yeah,” I say, groaning as I stand. I stretch, trying to work out the kinks from sleeping on the floor. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.

“Good. I have something to show you.”


“Just come home, doofus.” I hear her muttering something about idiots sleeping on floors before she hangs up.

I take another look around the apartment, but I can’t really see it, so I just leave everything as I had the night before.

Chapter 33


My alarm goes off early in the morning, but all my favourite things to bake require kneading and rising times. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. Cerberus watches me blearily and then lays back down on my bed.

I gather what I need and start the dough. While I’m mixing the ingredients, Daze emerges from her bedroom.

“Are you baking at six in the morning?”


“May I remind you that you hate baking?” she asks, sitting on one of the dining chairs to watch me.

“You may.”

“Okay. Lis. You hate baking. Why are you doing it? And at godawful o’clock, no less?”

“It’s the anniversary of Spencer’s mother’s death.”


I glance at her over my shoulder. “Take care of Cerberus today?”

“No problem. I’ll tell Sophie.”

“Thanks. I’ll take him out while this is rising.”