Page 13 of Why Not Both?

“How much do I owe?” she asks.

“I’m not letting you pay,” I say.

She arches an eyebrow. “Was this a date?”


Her cheeks flush and she gives me another smile. I could live on her smiles alone.

“Fine. I’ll let you pay. This time.”

I pull out a card and the waitress brings the card reader, asking what the day holds for us. I want to spend all of it with Lis, but she says she has to get home and get ready to start a new job tomorrow. I don’t let my disappointment show. We’ve already had an incredible morning. And night. I’ll be thinking about last night until the next time I can get her into my bed. Or until I can get into hers. Or until I’m dead. Probably all three.

I grab her hand as we leave the restaurant and start down the road to the bus stop. Her place is far enough away that she doesn’t want to walk. I insist on coming onto the bus with her, even though she says it isn’t necessary.

It’s only three stops and we decide to stand instead of getting a seat. I hold her against me with one arm while I hold on to a bar with the other. The ride is very short and then we’re standing in front of her building. I hand her the backpack with her shirt and bra inside.

“Give it back later. When you return my hoodie.”

She grins up at me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “I’m not giving this hoodie back. You shouldn’t have given it to me if it’s your favourite.”

I sigh and capture her lips. “You can keep it for now. But I want to see it next time we go out. I need to see you’re taking care of it. Maybe I can take it off you.”

She laughs and kisses me again. “I have to go. I have to wash my hair and remove my nail polish.”

“Your rainbow isn’t going to wash out, is it?” I ask, alarmed.

“No. It’s permanent. It’s pretty new, though, so some of the colours will fade over the next few months. But I need a shower before I start a new job. If you remember, I got a little sweaty last night.”

“I don’t want to let you go. Not until I know when I’m going to see you next.”

She searches my eyes and I notice they’re more green now than they were earlier. What made them change? Was it her emotions? Or just the light?

“I’m going to be pretty busy for the next little while. And I’m not sure what my schedule is going to be until I start. I’ll let you know?”

“That’s as good as I can get, I suppose. You want me to walk you up?”

“No. I’ll save you from Sophie and Daze giving you the third degree. For now.”

She lifts up onto her tiptoes to touch her lips to mine. I hold her against me for as long as she allows. When she slips away, I force myself to let her go. I watch her through the glass doors as she crosses the lobby. I’m rewarded for my patience when she turns and waves before getting into the elevator. When she’s out of my sight, I start toward the beach a few blocks down, intending to walk along the Seawall back to my place, feeling like everything is absolutely perfect.

Chapter 5


I wake early on Monday morning to a text from Spencer and a heavy weight on my feet.

Spencer: Evelyn. The Mummy.

Me: You Googled it, didn’t you?

He sends me a picture of a movie collection spread out on the floor around his crossed legs. A DVD copy of The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser sitting right in front of him.

Me: Did that take you all night?

I sit up while I wait for his response and scratch Cerberus between the ears. He looks up at me with a forlorn expression.

“I know lazybones, but if we get up, I’ll take you for a run.” His tail flops on the bed a few times and my phone buzzes.