Spencer: Not all night. I had the idea at 2am. Figured it out around 4 but didn’t want to wake you. I didn’t wake you did I?
Me: You didn’t. I was just getting up.
Spencer: What are you wearing?
I laugh out loud, hesitating for only a second before turning on the camera and taking a picture of my pajamas: cozy pants and his hoodie.
Spencer: You look hot in my clothes.
A shiver tingles through me, settling between my thighs, making me want to skip taking my dog out and just run to Spencer’s apartment instead. Then Cerberus moves up the bed to get more head scratches and I know I can’t give in to my desires. As much as I want to.
Me: Leave me alone. I have to get ready for my new job.
I give my dog his required scritches and wait for the message I can see Spencer is typing.
Spencer: You’re gonna kill it firecracker. Call me when you’re done and tell me how it went.
I set my phone down to find my running gear. Since I don’t start for a few hours, I have time for a short run, the most Cerberus can do anyway, with his stubby legs. My phone buzzes again.
Spencer: And what it is. We never talked about what we do.
Me: I’ll tell you all about it later. I’m heading out for a run along the seawall. Watch for me?
Spencer: Are you asking me to stalk you? Because yes please. I’d offer to join you but gross.
Someone knocks on my door and I tell them to come in while I pull on my sports bra.
“Is that Spencer you’re texting?” Daze says when she enters.
“Did you sleep in his hoodie?”
I pull on my pants and then turn to her. “Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?”
She just grins at me. “I’m heading to work. Have an awesome day. Sophie and I want to take you out to celebrate tonight. Unless you have other plans?”
I look at my phone. He hasn’t asked me out tonight. I want to see him again. Soon. But I also don’t want this to move too fast. Whatever this is. Especially since I just said I was giving up on dating.
“No plans,” I say.
“Great. See you later, then.” She kisses my cheek, gives Cerberus a pat, and then she leaves.
I plug in my headphones and my little buddy and I run. I pass Spencer’s apartment in only a few minutes and a text buzzes my phone, interrupting the music. I glance down to see the eyes emoji followed by the kiss emoji. I find his window and blow a kiss toward it. Then I get another text from him.
Spencer: I didn’t know you had a dog. You are so full of mystery firecracker. Looking forward to talking to you later.
I don’t bother to fight the stupid grin. Cerberus and I run all the way to my new place of employment before turning and running back to my apartment for a quick shower and to change. I get my dog settled with Sophie—who works from home—then walk the same route back to Blue Vista Events.
I enter the building and am immediately greeted by the owner, Victoria Sterling. She is stunning with long black hair, crystal blue eyes, and a statuesque figure that makes me jealous. I left my heels at home in favour of shoes I would normally work in, black Doc Martens. Though they’re fancier than the ones I usually wear with embroidered flowers on the sides. I wore clothes I would never consider working in as well, a bright red blouse and black dress pants, trying to look professional to meet the team. I’d scooped my rainbow hair back and twisted it up, keeping it in place with a large claw clip, while still showing off the color I’d paid a lot of money for.
“Victoria,” I say as I hold my hand out to shake hers. “It’s good to see you again. Thank you so much for this opportunity.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Amaryllis. I’m glad it worked out. Yours was by far the best application we received.” She leads me to a conference room just off the lobby.
“Please. Just call me Lis.”
Her smile slips for half a second and I wonder what I’ve said wrong.