I slowly follow him into the cabin, still unsteady on my feet. Connor stays close, refusing to leave my side in case I stumble. It gives me the hidden strength I need knowing that he’s ready to catch me if I fall.
But I make it to the door completely on my own. And I feel damn proud of myself for doing so.
I’m witnessing how I’m progressing better every day...
I don’t have to do much once I’m relaxing in the chair inside. Connor is quick to make sure everything is okay for us. He runs around and makes sure the fire is lit and that the bed is comfy.
He even makes me dinner. Macaroni and cheese. Basic, but perfect. Just want I need.
The vibe is immaculate.
As I sit across from him in the tiny cabin and eat, I can’t help but stare at the handsome man.
He was so brave doing what he did back there at his family's home. Foolish as well. He really shouldn’t have gone into that burning mansion to save me without his colleagues and without protective gear. But he did. And I am so incredibly grateful.
But there are still things left unsaid between us. There are still things we need to talk about. Things to resolve.
“Thank you, Connor, for saving me at the mansion,” I tell him softly. I realize I’ve not properly thanked him like this yet.
“I was just doing my job,” he whispers back.
I shake my head.
“I’ve been bad at my job recently,” I say.
“What do you mean?”
I sigh.
“For setting up an ambush reunion with your father,” I say. “That wasn’t very professional of me. It wasn’t very... friendly.”
Connor smiles at that.
“We’re friends, Ember?”
“We’re more than friends.”
Oh, shit.
“Sorry,” I continue. “That just came out...”
Connor laughs.
“That’s okay.”
“But I am sorry,” I say. “I’m sorry for what I did. I didn’t think through it. I knew that you didn’t want your picture out there, but I still did it. I thought I was helping by setting up that meeting with Waylen, but I should’ve realized I really wasn’t...”
Connor nods.
“I was hurt,” he admits. “And, yes, I didn’t want my picture out there. And I didn’t want to have a surprise meeting with my father. But... the thought of losing you in that fire superseded everything. And that made me realize just how much I care for you, Ember.”
“I like that.”
“I know you were trying to do a good thing when you set me up with Father,” he whispers. “I know it wasn’t malicious.”
“I wasn’t thinking, though. All I cared about was my career.”