“And I was blinded by my rage,” Connor says. “I didn’t stop to consider everything.”

“But I should’ve asked your permission before I spoke to him. I shouldn’t have surprised you with him like that. I shouldn’t have taken your photo.”

Connor stands up and walks around the table. He kneels down next to me apologetically.

“I’m sorry myself for being such a grumpy bastard who refused to even speak to you after that happened. I was a dick.”

He’s on his knees for me...

He cares for me. It’s as clear as anything. He would burn alive to save me.

What more do I need?

I take his hand passionately.

“I understand. I’m sorry too. I want you to know that, Connor.”

He leans in close.

“How about we stop saying sorry to each other?” he whispers. “Let’s be a team. You and me, Ember.”

“Yes, let’s.”

And then he kisses me.



Connor guides me to the bed with his endless kisses, and it’s like I’m caught up in a dream that I don’t want to wake from.

I can’t believe I’m kissing him again. I can’t believe I’m back here at this cabin with him. I can’t believe he wants me again.

And I want him...

He ran into that burning building for me. He didn’t give a damn about his own protection. He was prepared to lose it all for me.

I can’t help but feel something when I think about that. I can’t stop thinking about that.

And those feelings are just enhanced when he strolls over and kisses me and takes me to his bed in this secret cabin in the middle of the woods.

Still kissing me all over, he lowers me down on the mattress, taking great care with my damaged body. He might want to ravish me – and, oh boy, I can really sense he does – but he’s taking the greatest of care not to hurt me. He’s being so careful about my recovery post-fire.

It’s so damn sweet.

But he quickly turns from sweet to sexy...

He continues to kiss me, but now he’s starting to move all over my exposed flesh. He kisses my cheeks, then my neck, then my collarbone, then down the middle of my chest over my heart, then around my breasts.

I react so well to his touch. My body goes ecstatic with the brushing of his lips. My breathing quickens with each kiss. My heart rate pumps through the roof as he touches me delicately.

Oh, God...

“Don’t stop kissing me, Connor.”


That deep voice echoes inside me, turning me on. Making me wet. Making my pussy beg for his kiss.