Page 53 of Their Chosen

Chapter Twenty Four: Rhowyn

Baer and I walked back to our suite, joking and teasing each other the whole way and not once did his body leave mine. In one way or another, he maintained contact with me, either draping an arm around my shoulders or grabbing my arm, hip, or fingers with his hand. By the time we made it back, I felt like I was on a cloud of happiness. Never had I experienced the simple joy and comfort he was giving me, and I savored it.

Even after showering and dressing in my pajamas, I couldn't shake the smile on my face. I brushed my hair out knowing dinner would be ready soon, but I kept losing myself in my thoughts, which wound their way back to that kiss.

I was experienced in more ways than I ever wanted in my life, but I had never been kissed like Baer had kissed me earlier. For the first time, I had gotten a glimpse of what it felt like to be cherished. I felt silly even thinking it, but his kiss had been magical, and I wanted to do it again and again.

My fingers touched my lips at the memory of his mouth on mine, gentle yet firm, his hold strong and steady, making me feel safe to fall. I never did relationships, but now I was surprisingly considering what one would be like with him. However, a fairly large part of me was still afraid to let him in. I'd always been let down by everyone else in my life, so I didn't dare hope that this would be any different. But, I could still enjoy myself and him while I was here. I just had to make sure that neither of us got too attached in the meantime.

A knock on the door sounded, drawing my attention. “Come in.”

The door opened to reveal Arryn in the doorway. Instead of coming in, he leaned against the frame. “Dinner's ready if you would like to join us?”

“Sure. I'm starving.” I walked over to him, but he didn't move away. For me to pass him, I would have to turn sideways and rub against him. Despite how tempting that sounded, my better judgment kicked in, and I stopped in front of him, still close enough to touch.

“I heard you had a good training session.” He said it as if it was a question.

Immediately, I felt my cheeks flame, wondering if he was talking about the ending instead of the beginning. “Uh, yeah. It was good to train again. I certainly feel better. Not quite so antsy.” I decided to play dumb as a tactic. If he had questions or concerns, he could ask them outright. He gave nothing away, though, so I had no idea where he was going with this.

“Baer mentioned that I should place my money on you in your competition with Lennox in the morning.” He smirked at me, again causing me to blush, but for a different reason.

I'd never been one to enjoy the accolades, preferring to train hard and judge my successes against my prior performances. “That would be your decision, but my money is on me.”

“Well, your confidence is inspiring. I'll have to make sure I place my bet on you as well.”

“It's your money,” I said, starting to wonder what his real reason was for this conversation.

He rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “I know Baer stayed with you last night after your break in, but I wanted to make sure that having me stay tonight would be okay?” He shifted slightly, his nerves at the question evident to me even though they were subtle. He was usually calmer and more confident.

I smiled, trying to ease his obvious discomfort. “Yeah, that's fine. While I'd prefer to be alone, I also realize that it's not necessarily the safest decision. I'm independent, not stupid.”

“Okay. I figured you'd be ready to go to bed after dinner. It’s been a long day for all of us, and we have many more long days to come,” he stated, his confidence returning now that he was back in planning mode.

“That sounds great. I'm pretty tuckered out, so sleep sounds like heaven right about now.” I winked at him before continuing, “The only thing that sounds better is food. I didn't eat much at lunch.”

Taking my hint, he stood up straight and turned, offering me his elbow. “Well, then please allow me to escort the beautiful lady to her meal.”

I took his arm and let him lead me to the table. My thoughts pulled to the muscles I could feel under his sleeve and the way they flexed as he walked. I wasn't sure what was up with me. I had never been attracted to so many men at once, never been the boy-crazy type growing up. So, now that I was surrounded by all these guys that each called to me in some way, I couldn't quite come to terms with the conflicting emotions.

While I wanted to kiss Baer again, I also wanted to know what Arryn's kiss would be like, what kind of lover he would be. And Lennox, I somehow knew our passionate arguments would also consume us in bed, even if my brain was telling me that I shouldn't reward his asshole behavior. I couldn't deny the attraction, though. Even Callum called to me, so stoic and withdrawn.

I wondered if he would stay so detached or come alive with a kiss. Would he be dominant or prefer me to take control? I was okay with either, but something told me that he would be a dominant and demanding lover. That I could trust him enough to surrender myself completely.

Since meeting them, I had been drawn into a world I could never have dreamed of, a world of firsts for me, but also a world that was starting to feel like I was coming home, where I could be wholly and completely myself. I saw a world full of possibilities and couldn't deny the attraction I felt toward them and the vague future they represented.

I knew this couldn't last, though. Eventually, I would return to Earth to resume my obligations to the family I had made there, but I had a strong feeling I would not be the same upon my return. That the girl I was when I left wouldn't be the same one to go back.

The guys carried the conversation at dinner, my fatigue catching up to me as I filled my belly. I listened as mainly Baer and Arryn spoke with the occasional input from Lennox, Callum remaining silent as ever.

He was such a mystery. None of the others had filled me in on him or his background. I couldn't blame them since we had been so busy today. I wondered if he would fit in with us and open up eventually or if he would always be like this. Hopefully, he would let those walls down soon.

I finished my delicious meal, the food foreign to me, but amazingly flavorful. I had yet to come across anything I didn't like, everything prepared as if we were at a five-star restaurant. So beyond anything I'd had on Earth, and I was enjoying the convenience of it all.

Yawning, I covered my mouth with my hand, not wanting to leave the table yet. I enjoyed the calm and companionship, never having had family meals like this before, and was pleased to find out that the movies had gotten this part right, at least.

Ever vigilant, Arryn noticed. “Let's call it a night. We've got a full day of training and research tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said with a smile, standing from the table with everyone else.