Page 52 of Their Chosen

Sure enough, I was right. It had in the form of a large bag that hung from the ceiling. At the back of the room were some hand wraps and gloves. “Awesome! I almost thought I wouldn't find what I needed. Everything's so different here,” she said as she walked to the equipment and started wrapping her hands.

“That's the thing, though. The castle will always provide for its residents, especially the Queen and Chosen since you all have so close of a connection to the land and Avalonia,” I replied, taking up a spot along the wall by the door.

“It's still hard to wrap my head around, ya know? I've spent my whole life on Earth, and all of this feels like make believe. Or that I'm going crazy, which is more likely.”

She finished with her hands and pulled out her phone again, a song starting to play softly from its speakers. Without her having to ask, I whispered a spell and cast my air magic to amplify the music for her. Her gaze jerked to mine. “Did you do that?”

I nodded at her, smiling. “Will I be able to do that too?” she asked.

“Eventually you should be able to.”

“Okay, now that's pretty cool.” She grinned widely. “Now, shut up so I can focus,” she teased me.

I pantomimed buttoning my lips shut and grinned at her, letting her lose herself for a while. And she did, working in and out, moving and ducking around the bag, all while throwing punches, kicks, knees, and elbows. I barely held back my laugh as I realized that Lennox was going to get his ass handed to him tomorrow morning and he had no idea.

I watched her work until her top was soaked in sweat, and it ran down her flushed cheeks, wishing I could follow the trail of sweat as it rolled down her body. She was glowing as she worked, and I was mesmerized by her movements, which were graceful and fluid, like a dance.

Finally, she stopped, huffing in and out as she tried to catch her breath. It took everything I had to keep my feet planted and not walk over to her, kiss her, and lower her to the mats so we could both experience a more pleasurable workout. She was stunning, smiling with pride and happiness after testing the limits of her body and will.

She was a rare woman indeed, and I was thankful that I was one of her consorts. That I'd be able to help her along her journey. Whether she became queen or not didn't matter to me. I just wanted her to be happy in the way I saw right now on her face.

I watched her walk over to me, a towel in her hand to dry herself off some. Once in front of me, I waved my hands to channel a gust of air, drying her quickly with my air magic. Her smile grew, reaching from one ear to the other when she realized what I'd done.

“Okay, now that I'm seeing more of this magic in action, I can't wait until I can use it myself,” she murmured, but then some of the light faded from her joy, something obviously weighing on her mind.

I reached out, tucking some loose strands of hair that had escaped her braid behind her ear, and holding her gaze as I asked, “What is it? What’s managed to steal some of that light from you?”

She swallowed, hesitating for a moment before finally admitting, “What if I'm never able to use it as easily as y'all do?”

Her gaze drifted down at that, her previous confidence having faded with her admission and allowing me a glimpse of the fragile woman underneath. I had a feeling that she trusted very few people with this more vulnerable side, and I felt a pressing need to protect her, to ensure I treated this moment with the seriousness it deserved. Not the jokes and humor I was more comfortable with.

I lifted her chin with my fingers and held them there, waiting for her to lift her honey eyes to mine. When they finally did, I spoke. “I know it feels overwhelming right now. I know you’re struggling with your new reality and aren't quite sure where or how you fit. Yet. But Rhowyn, I can feel your magic, even now, and I promise it's there. And it's strong, just like the woman standing before me that I'm coming to know.”

I paused, my eyes running along her face, taking in her olive skin, almond shaped eyes, upturned nose, flushed cheeks, and a set of full, soft lips. I felt the desire to kiss her, but I needed to finish what I had to say first. “I may not have known you long, but I've already seen so much fire and strength, a woman who refuses to quit or complain even when hurt, and I know you're willing to do whatever it takes to ensure you succeed so you can return to your loved ones. I see a beautiful soul, both gentle and destructive when necessary, who has seen too much hurt and pain, making you wise beyond your years. And yet, you haven't stopped once. You haven't given up this whole time despite everything you've faced so far.

“So, I can say with confidence now, that even if you can't use or access your magic today or tomorrow, you will be able to use it eventually, and I hope I'm there to see you in your glory.

“So, have faith in yourself, Rhowyn, because I do and so do the others, even if some of them aren't ready yet to admit to themselves what you mean to all of us.” I stroked a finger along her cheek, still holding her gaze as her eyes watered at my words.

She swallowed again and inhaled deeply. Her gaze found my lips, and her body swayed toward mine. I reached out with my other hand, gently placing it on the swell of her hip, my own eyes dropping to her lips. I leaned in slowly, giving her plenty of time to pull away should she want to. But she didn't.

So, I did what any red-blooded man, human or fae, would do. I kissed her. Her lips were just as soft and pliant as I had imagined. As I slid my tongue along the seam of her mouth, she opened for me, her hands going to my chest. My tongue tangled with hers as she gripped my shirt, and my hand on her hip tightened almost to the point of leaving a bruise, but I restrained myself. Not wanting to rush things too quickly, no matter how much I wanted to take things further, I pulled back slowly.

My whole world had just changed, and there was no going back for me. She was all I wanted and all I'd ever need. I would follow her anywhere if it meant I had any chance to have her in any way.

Her eyes were closed, and I took this moment to study her further. She breathed just as heavily as she had after her training, and it was because of me. I took a moment to enjoy the pride at that thought, at having her pressed against me still, her hands splayed on my chest. I didn't dare move, not wanting to ruin the moment, but life had other ideas. The door swung open, and Rhowyn jumped away from me suddenly, as if we were doing something forbidden.

I smiled at that thought, knowing this was just the first of many kisses we'd share and that, eventually, she'd need to become okay with sharing her affections even in front of the others. But I'd cross that bridge when I got there. For now, I said, “Come on, Killer, let's go get you fed. I'm sure the guys have finished their lists and plans by now and are eager to share their thoughts.”

“Ugh! Fair warning, I suck at school and will be a terrible student during their lessons. I never was able to sit and learn for hours. I have no reason to think now would be any different.” She huffed out a breath, dragging her feet down the hall.

I laughed, throwing an arm around her shoulders. “I'm sure this will be different, and if not, at least it will be entertaining to watch you guys aggravate each other.”

She laughed and punched my ribs, unsuccessful at dislodging my hold on her. “Who says that they and I will be the only ones aggravated? I can promise now that you will suffer as well, one way or another.” She winked, letting me know she was still teasing me.

“Oh, I promise that nothing you could ever do to me would ever be annoying to me,” I replied.

She barked an unbelieving laugh. “Challenge accepted.” And for once, I doubted my previous words.