She was still smiling when she rolled out of bed to visit the bathroom. It was directly across the hall from the guest bedroom with the master suite having its own bathroom, so she dressed in panties and her T-shirt without bothering to pull on pants.
Which reminded her of Brody’s pants and how they’d stayed on while he’d insisted on tucking her into bed. Halfway through brushing her teeth, she regarded her reflection and smiled around her toothbrush. Her eyes were bright and sparkling, she looked well rested and, if she wasn’t mistaken, her cheeks were glowing.
She rinsed and then patted her mouth with a towel before addressing her reflection. “Pull yourself together, girl.”
Then she bumped into Brody in the hallway, and her sensible lecture went straight out the window. A curl of steam from the mug of coffee in his hand made its way to his mouth before he took a sip. His eyes were on hers the entire time.
He gave her a smile that melted her strength like chocolate in the warm summer sunshine. “Morning.”
“Hi.” Her voice cracked. She tugged the bottom of her T-shirt, which did little to cover her bottom half. “I didn’t put on jeans.”
His smile morphed into a sharky grin. “I am not complaining.” To his credit, he only briefly surveyed her bare legs. He stalked toward her in that lazy, confident way he had about him. “How’d you sleep?”
“What day is it again?” She narrowed one eye, grinning when he laughed. “Did you hang your massive television?”
“I take it you didn’t hear me swearing well into the night?”
She tsked. “I could have helped.”
“You couldn’t stand.”
She tongued the inside of her cheek rather than admit he was correct.
“And I needed a moment.” He raked his fingers through his shaggy brown hair. She’d loved having her fingers in it last night. Soft and thick, his hair had made a good anchor when she felt like she was sliding off the edge of the earth. “I needed a couple of moments.”
Her thighs quivered, so she locked her knees. She could use a moment herself.
Then again… What better opportunity to convince him to reconsider his position on those damn jeans he insisted on wearing?
“May I?” She gestured to his coffee mug. When he handed it over, she took a sip, savoring the rich, dark roast while she decided whether or not she was going to haul him into her room and rip off his clothes. She should probably make sure he didn’t have any regrets.
Did guys have regrets?
From what she knew so far, Brody wasn’t anything like Dustin, but what if he’d sampled what she had to offer and had thought better of going further? That was a tragic possibility.
She handed his mug to him. “Thanks. I should, um…” Instead of finishing her sentence, she pointed at her room.
He stayed her with one hand on her waist, over her T-shirt and juuust above her bare hip. “Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah.” That word was pitched a bit higher than necessary.
“You didn’t wake up this morning regretting last night, did you?” His gaze drilled into her, forcing the truth from her mouth.
“I was considering asking you the same thing.”
“Are you kidding?” He let out a loud “Ha!”
“I tried to force you into bed with me.” She tried to make that sound tawdry, but mirth twinkled in his eyes. “Which made me wonder… Why didn’t you let me force you?” She had to know the truth. If he had concluded that they shouldn’t be having sexytimes she would…well, she had no idea what she’d do. Any alternative to sex with Brody seemed a lame substitution.
“I told you why. You had a hell of a week.”
“Not because you had second thoughts about sleeping with me?”
His smile disappeared. He blinked at her a few times. “Reagan, the only thoughts in my head last night were about sleeping with you.” He gestured to the fly of his jeans. “Rock hard from the time you went to bed until about six this morning. I didn’t sleep for shit.” He held up his mug. “This is my fourth cup.”
How could she keep from glancing at his pants? She couldn’t. And what she saw there was a bump. A big bump that was growing bigger.
“Oh. You were being polite?”