“You sound disappointed. Would you prefer I throw you over my shoulder and drag you to my room? Or back you against this wall and rip your panties off with my teeth?” He asked both with a straight face.
“Can I choose both?” If he was serious, she was all in. “I wasn’t too tired to know what I wanted last night. It’s been a long time since I had great sex. I’ve been sleeping on a couch for a hot minute, so my only chance to please myself was when I was in the shower.”
“That’s a nice visual.” His voice was gravel.
She tucked her fingers into his waistband, noticing a few more inches under there than before. “I won’t force you, but I will try and convince you.”
Her fingers brushed the head of his cock over his boxer briefs. His mouth dropped open. “Convince away.”
She was feeling more powerful than she’d felt in months, which felt freaking fantastic. Until recently, life had been kicking her around like a deflated soccer ball. Well, screw that. Time to claim what she wanted—everything she wanted.
So she pushed to her toes and pressed a kiss to his mouth.
Brody’s eyes sank closed when Reagan’s sweet mouth touched his. Her hand in his pants and her mouth on his was exactly what he’d woken up thinking about. The only reason he hadn’t jacked off this morning to relieve the pain was because of an untimely call from his mother. Nothing killed a boner faster.
Which was why he was not going to think about that right now.
Not that he could think of anything other than Reagan’s long, sleek legs wrapped around his hips. He had been between her legs last night, a memory that was tattooed onto his brain. The image burned there, bright and hot. Her rosy cheeks, her bee-stung lips, her eyes brimming with satisfaction. Her musky taste he hadn’t had enough of yet…
Careful not to spill coffee on either of them, he leaned into the kiss. She fisted his shirt like she had last night—he hadn’t forgotten that move—and then tugged him so hard their teeth bumped.
She jerked away, her eyes wide. “God, I’m sorry.”
“Nope.” He set his mug on the edge of the bathroom sink and returned to correct her before she could blink. Hands on her bare hips, he peeled up the edge of her shirt and invited, “Tear me up, honey. I can handle every bit of you.”
“Your room or mine?” She bit down on her lip in the cutest way. He hazarded the very safe guess that she didn’t often ask for what she wanted. She was in good hands. He could deliver what she needed tenfold.
“Yours is closer.” He cupped her ass with both palms and hauled her up. She locked her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. Perfect. “Unless you liked the wall idea.”
Outside her room, he pinned her to the wall, using his hips to hold her there. The press of his hard-on against her center made him grow harder. He was going to die if he wasn’t inside her soon.
She lowered her mouth to his, and he kissed her back, this time with tongue, followed by what felt like his entire body.
He abandoned her mouth to rake his teeth over her nipples, outlined by her white T-shirt. Her nails scratched down his back as her sighs penetrated his ears. His cock instantly doubled in length. When her hips started bucking against his, he abandoned his work, leaving her shirt as damp as her panties. Much as he was enjoying himself, he could no longer operate from this position.
“Taking you to bed,” he said between kissing her lips.
“Yes,” was her only reply.
In the guest room, he dropped her onto her unmade bed and followed her down, covering her body with his. When he kissed her, she bumped her hips against his, the move driving him insane—or it would have if she hadn’t driven him there already.
It’d been a long, lonely night.
He rolled her panties from her legs as she stripped off her T-shirt. God, her breasts. Tender, sensitive mounds of perfection with pale pink nipples. His mouth literally watered.
He rubbed his hands together as he surveyed the gorgeous naked woman laid out in front of him like a buffet. “Where to start?”
He lifted her leg, but she stopped him with her foot on his chest. “Oh, no you don’t.”
She pushed off the bed and reversed their positions, encouraging him to lie on his back. Not what he’d planned, but he was happy to accommodate. She unzipped his fly, and he kicked off his jeans. She peeled his boxer briefs down and freed his erection, which bobbed as eagerly as if it were hailing a cab.
She offered the cutest smirk before she lowered her mouth to the head of his dick. The noise he made was somewhere between a grunt and a groan, followed by a long, slow exhale. Jesus, she was good at that. And he hadn’t had to ask.
His legs were trapped beneath her arms as she continued sucking him off. He lifted his head off the pillow to watch her take him deep before the long, slow slide out. After a few rounds of that he dropped his head onto the pillow and stared at the ceiling, willing himself not to come in her mouth when she took him deep for another mind-numbing swallow.