Jaylyn smiled. “You like her.”

“Of course.” He wouldn’t have slept with her if he didn’t like her. Although, he supposed that was an old-fashioned way to think.

He fell silent when a server bustled into the kitchen to collect a few trays for the party. Thankfully, she was gone as quickly as she’d come.

“I’m not built for a casual relationship,” he finished, keeping his voice down.

“For casual sex, you mean.”

“That either,” he mumbled.

“That’s a good thing.” His sister squeezed his wrist. “Men who want anything other than casual sex are hard to find. Trust me.”

He placed his other hand on top of hers. “The keyboardist was a bust, then?”

“No, he’s great. I have plans come midnight. I assume you’ll find Chloe?”

“She asked me to return to the party without her.” He frowned. “I’m not sure what she’s thinking.”

“Well, ask her! Clearly, you two have shared something special.”

“What if she isn’t interested in seeing me again?” That was the real reason he was sitting here spilling his guts to his younger sister.

“Why wouldn’t she be interested? Was it…bad?” She appeared pained to ask.

“Hell no.” He couldn’t help defending himself. “Everyone was…very satisfied.”

“Then what’s the problem? Go tell her how you feel!”

“And risk scaring her off permanently? I’m not that stupid.” He scrubbed his forehead where a small headache was blooming. He wasn’t used to overthinking when it came to women. “This isn’t your problem, Jaylyn. Drink champagne and enjoy the party. You’re twenty-five, not middle-aged like I am.”

“Thirty-six isn’t middle-aged.”

“It technically is.”

She frowned as she did the math. “That’s an unsavory thought. Anyway, you said you’d live until ninety-four.”

He gave her a sad smile. “We don’t get to choose.”

“Exactly. That’s why you have to confess your feelings to Chloe before it’s too late.”

She had him there.

“I need a minute to myself. Have fun, and find me after the ball drops. Okay?” He had to wait longer than he liked for her answer.

“Fine.” She stood.

He stood as well, crossed the kitchen, and ate a cracker topped with caviar that he didn’t want. He had to think about what to say to Chloe when he saw her. He didn’t want to come on too strong, but he didn’t want her to think he was disinterested.

Jaylyn swiped a cracker as well. Around a big bite, she said, “If you’re not back in fifteen minutes, I’m coming to get you. No way am I letting you miss the ball drop.”

“Fair enough.”

“I love you.” She blew him a kiss and then left the kitchen.

When he was finally alone, he pulled out his cellphone, cued up the app where he’d met CurlyQSue, and began scrolling through their messages from the beginning. There had to be a clue in their conversations over the last few months as to what she expected from him. When he found it, he could make a plan.

More than a kiss at midnight, Zander needed a plan.