“Enjoy yourself, and don’t overthink it,” Merina said. “Let things unfold naturally. Sounds like that’s what’s been happening already.”

“Let things unfold,” Chloe repeated. Sounded passive to her, which wasn’t her normal speed. She liked to muck around in it. Get her hands dirty.

“I’m going to make sure the band knows precisely when to start ‘Auld Lang Syne.’ If you’ll excuse me. Congratulations.” Merina winked at Chloe.

“I should probably find Tag. Hard telling what kind of trouble he’s gotten himself into, and I want to dance some more!” Rachel said.

“Eli is probably hiding somewhere. If I don’t flush him out for the ball drop, who knows who I’ll wind up kissing.” Isa watched Chloe for a beat. “Want to come with Rachel and me?”

Chloe sent another look to the doorway. “I should probably say hi to Zander when he comes back in.”

“At the very least.” Rachel waggled her blond eyebrows. “See you on the dance floor!”

Chloe felt her smile fall as the three Crane wives wove their way through the crowd. Don’t overthink it. Let things unfold. It was good advice. Chloe didn’t know Zander well enough to know if he expected the bedroom tryst to turn into more. There was a chance he wasn’t ready for more. Maybe he was still grieving, or he perceived Chloe as a rebound of sorts. And if so, wouldn’t that be for the best? She hadn’t been thinking of the future when she’d stripped naked for him…

So why are you thinking about the future now?

“Great question.” She drained her water glass and then headed for the bar.

She needed a stronger drink.

Chapter Eleven

No way would Zander share details of what had happened between Chloe and himself with his sister, but he knew Jaylyn wouldn’t let up unless he shared something.

“Brody doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” she was saying. “I’m a woman. I know what a woman wants, and Chloe won’t appreciate you playing a silly mind game.”

“You believe I need that advice, do you?”

Jaylyn hesitated, considering. “No.”

He handed over her cell phone. She tucked it into a pocket of her long, sparkly skirt.

“Come on.” He tipped his head toward the kitchen. She followed.

Other than the catering staff, who were packing up bins and plates on the other side of the room, the large eat-in kitchen was empty. He sat down at the table and crossed one leg ankle to knee. Jaylyn leaned on the table with both hands like a cop performing an interrogation.

“Jaylyn. Sit down.”

She let out a sigh but did as he asked.

“Chloe and I are…acquainted.”

“I’ll bet.”

He briefly explained finding Chloe’s photos on the mansion’s wall.

“Oh. Wow.”

“I expected to meet a woman tonight. To kiss her. To politely bow out after wishing her Happy New Year. I didn’t expect to meet a woman I knew. Or to feel…I don’t know what I feel.” He pushed his fingers through his hair and leaned back in the chair. “I don’t remember how to date. I thought I’d be married to Emily until I was ninety-four years old.”

“That’s specific.” Jaylyn’s lips twisted. “Do you feel…disloyal to her?”

“No.” He didn’t have to think about his answer. He didn’t feel disloyal. “I liked being in a relationship. I know that’s hard for the rest of you—Dante and Brody included—to understand.”

“We know that about you.” She waved his comment off.

“After spending time with Chloe tonight, I felt…” He shook his head, unsure how much to admit. Then he blurted out, “I don’t want to tell her Happy New Year and then send her on her way.”