“Listen, mate, you know this job as well as I do. Nothing can ever be promised when it comes to someone’s life. However, I assure you I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. You’re not the only one who cares for her,” Arno’s voice whispers from behind me. He and I have become close since my guys were taken. He’s been there for me, comforted me, and been that brother figure every little sister loves to hate. I trust him, and I wish Dean could trust him as I do. I know he wouldn’t intentionally let anything happen to me. Arno’s right, this world we live in is dangerous and nothing can be promised. The only thing we can do is our best.
“Dean, I have to intervene here and remind you how dangerous emotions can be in situations like these. You have to trust she knows what she’s doing, because you’ve trained her, and remain focused on getting your brother out alive. Once that’s accomplished, raise hell and get back to your girl. But remember, worrying about her the whole time will only get you killed, and she doesn’t want your death on her hands.” I don’t entirely recognize who’s talking, but the voice is coming from in front of me. That leaves Stone and Stix, and if I’d have to guess, it would be Stix. Stone is not the one to give heavy advice like this to Dean. This advice seems to come from someone with a lot more experience. My chest tightens for Dean and how concerned he is with my well-being.
He once told me, “Love is cruel. The feeling itself makes me feel full, yet when distance becomes a factor for whatever reason, love hurts with the intensity of a volcano.”
At this very moment, I know all too well what he means. When they were taken, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think straight. Rage was constantly boiling underneath my skin, and I couldn’t fathom the idea of them being tortured the way they were. The way Colson has been this whole time. As hard as this will be for him, for both of them, I’m ready. I’m ready because I’ve been trained by the best.
“He’s right, Dean,” I interrupt, my head resting on his shoulder. “You have to trust in your own training. You’ve taught me how to kill someone in twelve different ways. Training I can’t wait to unleash on my own fucked-up family.” I lift my head and turn to face him. I rest my hand on his chest, feeling his heart pumping like a demon ready to be unleashed. “We all go home this time, alive.” I lean forward and capture his lips with mine. His hand grabs hold of my face, holding me still to his. His lips are strong, forcing mine apart so he can taste my tongue with his.
“Alright, alright, let’s not make my dick hard. Lord knows I haven’t used it in a long while,” Stix interrupts us as Arno coughs behind me in disgust.
“Jesus, Stix, I didn’t need that mental image, mate,” Arno spits out between his gagging noises. The sound of Stix’s laughter fills the car, while Dean continues to hold my face with his hand.
“Don’t do anything stupid and reckless, baby girl. Get in, do the job, and get out. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“We will be there as soon as we can,” Everett chimes in from beside me. My two men, my two possessive and protective knights in shining armor, always assuring me they’ll be there for me. I believe them one hundred and ten percent.
“We all go home safe,” I say to the pair of them, just as the suburban comes to a halt.
“Right, we’ve made it to phase one. Time to get your game faces on boys—and girl,” Stix says.
Game on.
“Arno and I drive the main road leading to the entrance to the compound. After checking in with security and making our presence known, we’ll radio back to Stone and Cain so they can run the loop footage prior to us driving past the security camera located at the entrance,” I address the group.
“Assuming the guards at the front alert Cara to our arrival, we predict she’ll have all-hands-on-deck to ensure Sloan is in fact on the premises,” Arno continues with the plan.
“While the two of them make their way to the front of the compound, Jei and I will take down the two security guards at the front. Then wait for Everett and Dean to arrive where we will all continue to phase two,” Stefan says.
“Right, good. The moment Arno and Sloan pass the front guards, Dean and I will make our way to the building where we were held with Colson. We’ll breach the building and make our way down the trapdoor and through the tunnel to the room where Colson is currently being held. We’ve seen there is always one guard posted at his door at all times. So, we eliminate him quietly and get Colson out. After following the tunnel back outside, Stone and Cain will be ready to take Colson and bring him to safety while the two of us make our way back to the front. Assuming Cara hasn’t done anything stupid up to this point, Jei, Stefan, Dean, and I will slowly surround the area before making our attack.” Everett lets out a long breath while rubbing his hands down his face.
“Listen, this whole plan sounds smooth. It sounds like an easy in and out operation, but don’t underestimate the power of this family. The power of Cara and Cormick. These two have been the head of this organization since Shem fell ill. They are dirty and crooked in every way a mob can be. They won’t play fair, so don’t fall for any of her bullshit. Anything that comes from their mouths is a lie and no one’s life is above their own. You got that?” Dean barks out at the group. I remain still as Dean’s attention turns towards me. “No matter what she says to you, Sloan, she wants nothing more than to kill you. She doesn’t want you as a sister, a family member, a partner. She wants you dead. Don’t fall for any of her tricks.” I nod, assuring him I too want nothing more than to end her life.
“Right, you’ll move out in ten,” Stix says to the group. The guys do one last check through of their weapons while Everett and Dean come to face me. Before either of them can say a word, I speak first.
“I got this; I promise. You both just make sure you get Colson.” They both step closer into me, their large frames towering over me, making me feel extra small.
“We know you got this, baby girl. I have no doubts.” Everett leans in, cupping my face with his hand before pulling me into his chest and kissing the top of my head for a long moment. Wrapping my arms around him, I squeeze tight, my nerves finally igniting in my stomach at the idea that something could go wrong. What if one of them gets hurt again? What if Cara and Cormick know this is all a scam?
“Don’t do that,” Everett interrupts my thoughts, pulling me from his chest to peer down at me.
“Do what?”
“Get the negative thoughts out of your head. Do what we came here to do, focus on the task at hand, and execute the plan. Don’t allow any other thoughts to invade that pretty little head of yours.” I inhale a deep breath, shaking my head once as if it will eliminate the negativity quickly filling my head.
“This is who you’re meant to be, love. Show the world who the fuck you are.” Giving me one last kiss, he steps away from me, Dean quickly taking up the spot Everett once occupied. He grabs me by the shoulders, holding me firm while his steel-gray eyes lock on my face.
“Do not, under any circumstance, put yourself in a situation to save one of us if things go south. You are not to sacrifice yourself for any of us. You understand me?” His voice is cold and stern as he holds my shoulders tight. “You are to live, Sloan. You promise me that.” I look away from his glare, the heat of his eyes is too much for me. “Look at me. You promise me right now, baby girl, or so help me...” He shakes me just slightly, his darkness creeping up from the depths of his core. He’s scared, which makes him dangerous in every way a man can be.
“Dean, I love you so much. Know that you, Everett, and Colson have my whole heart and always will. I will follow through with the plan. You’ll get Colson and we all go home safely.” I can’t make a promise I’m not sure I can keep. I would do anything for my guys as they have for me. Promising I won’t do anything stupid would be a lie. If push comes to shove, I will do anything to make sure they stay alive. I’m not afraid to die. Hell, in the past I wished for death, but for one of them to die—I can’t relive the feelings of losing one of them again. I would rather die myself than live with the loss of them.
Dean lets go of my shoulders, his hands quickly grabbing my hips and lifting me off the ground as he pulls me into his chest. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist, bear hugging him with all my strength. Large arms wrap around my back, holding me close as he rests his face in the crook of my neck.
“I love you, Sloan. So, fucking much.”
“I love you too, Dean. Go get our boy.” Setting me down gently, he leans in and kisses me softly, his lips gentle and warm as he presses his to mine.
“Right, you lot. Game on.” Stix claps his hands together, and I watch as my guys slowly walk away into the darkness of uncertainty. My gut twists in a knot as their figures fade away into the night.