Page 28 of The Awakening

“Let’s stop wasting time. Let’s go get him.” I leave the room, heading upstairs to pack a small bag of essentials. I already know the guys have their arsenal of weapons packaged and ready for use. I, however, want to pack a few things for Colson, such as first aid supplies, some clean clothes, and his throw blanket he always had laid out on his bed. He’ll want a sense of comfort and normalcy.

The hour flies by in a rush as the team and I grab what we need and make our way to the airstrip. Awaiting us is Arno and the rest of the team already loaded up and waiting for the three of us to arrive. Exiting the SUV, I take a moment and freeze as my gaze lands on the plane that I’ve seen so many times in my nightmares. The same small jet where I once saw Colson die, the same jet I relived that horrific day in the simulation. I close my eyes for a moment and say in my head, This time will be different. We are all coming home. Alive.

“Right, you all set, little one?” My eyes snap open to Arno, who’s standing in front of me, a look of concern etched across his face. I nod once, straightening my back as I start towards the jet. He stops me, however, as his hand wraps around my bicep.

“You’ve got this. Get out of your head and harden the fuck up. Your man’s waiting for you. Show them no mercy.” With that, he lets my arm go, leaving me standing there as I absorb his words. I roll my shoulders as I make my way to the jet. Climbing the stairs and finding my seat, a seat far away from the place I remember holding Colson as he died in my arms.

Show them no mercy.

The plane is quiet; there’s no chatter, no usual banter—nothing. Just a small space full of pissed off, revenge seeking Shadows who’ve been waiting to taste blood for quite some time now. If I were Cara, I’d be praying to whoever she prays to that death finds her quickly. I’m looking out the window when a strong hand rests on my thigh. Turning from the window, I see Everett sitting beside me as he studies my face. I sink further into my chair, allowing the plush leather to absorb my small frame.

“Here, this is for you.” Everett extends his hand to me, slick metal filling his palm. It’s a Glock 19—a 9mm semi-automatic pistol—the same pistol I’ve been training with for the past six months. This one’s a little different. There’s engraving on the side. Turning my head, I read it out loud.

“My Awakening.” I look at Everett and see that Dean is now standing behind him, his towering frame filling the small space around us.

“They’ve awakened the lion in you, love. The caged animal they’ll soon regret ever trying to silence. I saw the lion in your eyes the first night we brought you home. I told you then that you weren’t meant to be caged, and seeing you grow the past few months signifies who you’ve become. The animal inside is coming to life and taking back what’s yours.” I give Everett a small smile, his words filling me with so much hope that this plan will succeed. This plan will bring my family together again. The four of us, well, five, including Arno, will soon be whole.

“As much as I don’t want you in harm’s way, you’re ready for this. You’ve proven yourself over and over again,” Dean says over Everett’s head, his arms crossed over his chest. I finally take the pistol from Everett’s hand, enjoying the cool metal between my fingers as I turn it over in my hands. It’s smooth and slick. The feeling of power that engulfs my core is invigorating. I can do this. I’ve been training for this and right now I feel more dangerous than I’ve ever felt.

“Thank you,” I say to both of them. My gaze is still on my new pistol as it fits perfectly in my hand.

“Just don’t shoot me, little one, I mean it.” I look up to see Arno leaning his head back towards me as he shoots me a wink before crossing his arms behind his head and eases back in the recliner. I smile to myself. The realization of what these men have done for me—trained me, prepared me for what’s to come—makes the back of my eyes sting. Tucking the pistol behind me in my waist band I look up to my guys.

“Let’s go get our boy, shall we?” The smiles Everett and Dean give me are pure admiration as they each take turns kissing my forehead before settling back into their chairs. Everett grabs my hand in his and intertwines our fingers together for the rest of the fight.

We’re coming for you, Colson.

We land roughly twenty-five minutes later, in a small field surrounded by trees. It’s pitch-black outside, only the moon provides us with minimal light to help us see. Exiting the plane, I see that this is not the same field Arno and I landed in when we first came to get the guys. As if he could sense my realization, Arno comes up behind me, resting his hand on my shoulder.

“This isn’t the same location as before; this is The Shadows’ secured landing strip provided to us by one of the higher-ups. He bought this property about three years ago, allowing him to come and go to his private compound he’s built upon his retirement. Once he heard about Colson, he gave us permission to use his land. Lucky for us, this air strip is only three hours from where the Wallace’s compound is located.” I nod once, as my eyes try to adjust to the darkness around us.

The guys begin unloading the plane, their large duffels piling on the damp grass in front of me.

“Right, everything’s set,” Everett says to me. Pulling out his cell, he clicks open his text messages. “Our ride will be here in two minutes.”

“Good, it’s fucking freezing out here,” Arno says as he blows air into his hands, rubbing them together, trying to stay warm.

“Aww, you need a hug, mate?” Stefan jokes as he claps his hand on Arno’s back.

“Yeah, I do actually. You gonna rub me down with your soft hands?” Arno fires back, their banter making me smile to myself.

“Alright, lovers, enough. Our ride’s here,” Dean chimes in, his tone serious as he tosses his duffle over his shoulder and makes his way over to a blacked-out suburban that’s making its way from beneath the cover of the forest. I follow close behind him, my own bag slung over my shoulder as footsteps behind me tell me the rest are following.

As we pile into the suburban, I find myself squished in between Everett and Dean. Not complaining one bit because poor Jei is behind me squished in between Arno and Stefan. Chuckling to myself, I notice Stone is in the front passenger seat. I glance around for a moment, searching for where Cain is going to sit, and notice he’s closing the back hatch door. Poor fella has to sit in the trunk, along with all the duffels.

“Thanks, mate, for allowing us to use your airstrip.” Everett claps the shoulder of the driver.

“Not a problem, fellas, anything to still feel relevant in the organization. Don’t know what to do with myself half the time, sitting at home twiddling my fucking fingers. I need a little action now and then,” the driver laughs out. “I’m Stix, by the way, sweetheart. You must be Sloan.” Our driver, Stix, turns to give me a head nod, and I return the gesture with a smile.

“Fuck, sorry, Stix. Yes, this is Sloan. Sloan, this is Stix,” Everett says apologetically.

“It’s a pleasure, and I can’t thank you enough for helping us,” I say quickly.

“Anytime, sweetheart. We never leave a man behind.” I lower my head at that statement, because honestly? That’s exactly what I did six months ago. I left Colson behind; he’s been suffering the wrath of Cara because my stupidity and emotions blinded me from seeing the truth that was right in front of me. Simultaneously, Dean and Everett rest their hands on my thighs, each giving me a reassuring squeeze that Stix’s comment was not a dig at my carelessness.

The drive is long, and my body soon betrays me as my eyelids become too heavy to keep open. I don’t know how long I sleep for, but the sound of the guys bickering wakes me from my deep sleep. I keep my eyes shut, however, wanting to know what the guys are fussing about.

“I mean it, Arno, anything—and I mean anything—happens to her while she’s with you and I promise to make your life a living fucking nightmare,” Dean’s familiar voice whispers beside me.