Page 2 of Assassin

He had world domination in mind.

He’d had his precious Alina sterilized so no children would have to live what he’d gone through, finding out they’d been murdered.

His bloodline ended with him, and he’d do plenty of damage before his time was up.




The KGB was counting on him to infiltrate the United States, and get the shipping ports open so that they could get operatives into the country.

Then into the government.

Well, ask and they shall receive. His allegiance, after all, was to Mother Russia.

As someone who had been given an American education, he didn’t have an accent—when he didn’t want one.

He could blend, and become one of them fairly easily since no one knew what he looked like.

That was his plan.

Now, as he buckled into the jet, that a wealthy American businessman had let him borrow, he would land safely.

Tomorrow, he’d begin his plan to take over the country and do his worst to the citizenry. Today, he’d just wanted to enjoy his trip.

It was the beginning of the end for so many things. For the West, and for his revenge.

All he knew was that there was so much to do.

For the last two years, he’d been singlehandedly trying to get his little helpers into place all over the country.

And it hadn’t been easy.




The US government was generally all over things like this, and if they smelled something suspicious…well, they sent out the dogs.

The biggest dog of them all?

Elizabeth Blackhawk.

She was tenacious and on the lookout for anything that smelled foul.

Oh, the German woman he’d hired to help them infiltrate the port cities had given him a heads-up that she would be problematic.

The Fräulein had given him a warning if you will, and promised him more intel when he arrived in the US.

Alexsandr knew what he was up against, and a little part of him was sad that he’d have to destroy her. She could make Russia proud, if he could get her to switch sides.

Only, that would take time, and he knew damn well that there was very little of that to go around.

This was about being stealthy and quick.