Page 183 of Assassin

Well, thank God.

Immediately, Dimitri calmed down.

“Anyway, what’s up?” Maura asked. “I hear you had a run in with some ladies.”

He laughed.

“Oh, you could say that. We got issues,” he said, pulling out his phone. “Hey, MATE, can I send you some pictures?”

“Oh, are they dick pics?” she asked, grinning.

Reaper frowned.

“Why do I feel dirty?”

Maura just laughed.

“MATE, take the pictures he sends you, and stop being pervy to the guests.”

MATE sighed.


When the pictures chimed, she put them up on the screen. On it, there were two wrists, and on them, a beautifully tattooed Two and Three.

Immediately, Aly rubbed her own wrist, where she’d had a tattoo from Alexsandr.

“Oh, boy,” Maura said, knowing what they were. Dimitri was right.

Reaper continued.

“Do you want the bad or the nightmarishly bad first? For the record, there is no good.”

Well, that was ominous.

Maura didn’t know what the other part could possibly be about.

“Uh, the bad?” she asked, choosing the unknown.

He shared what happened earlier with a particular cop that was annoying.

“You guys were gone, and the homicide captain paid us a little visit.”

Maura sighed.

Oh, boy.

That was bad.

“He was banging on the door, and acting a fool. He’s going to be a problem.”

Maura wanted to see it.

She needed to know what they were up against. Elizabeth allowed him to leave, and that was problematic since Tommy had been one of them. He knew EVERYTHING about them.

“MATE, loop the security camera footage to here please.”

They all watched.