Page 184 of Assassin

“If that’s not bad enough, I was sitting there, minding my own business, and when the sun started going down, I saw motion around your home. This is the nightmarishly bad, and related to the two tats.”

Jagger lifted a brow as they waited.

“Long story short, that I’m sure Boone has already told you about, I hacked into your security to have a visual. Someone, and I don’t know who, tried to blow your home up.”

This was definitely problematic along with Tommy.

Lewis continued.

“I killed two women inside Chartres placing the mother of all bombs. Those tats belonged to them. I’m pegging them as KGB. They moved like they’re assassins.”

He pulled something from his messenger bag.

When they saw it was a bomb, they all stepped back.

“It’s not live. I pulled the detonation caps, but this is a powerful little death knocker. It looks very Russian to me, but I figured you’d want to see it.”

Dimitri moved closer.

“That’s definitely KGB. I’ll stand by what I said earlier about who it likely was. I’ve seen devices like them before.”

“Do we have a visual on the women?” Maura asked MATE.

“We do once Reaper used his software to unblock theirs. Chartres has good security, but it’s not Area Fifty-Two.”


She pulled it up, and they saw their faces.

That’s when Maura noticed that Alyona looked away, like she knew something.

“Hey, Alyona. What’s up? Do you know them?” she asked, needing to know.

Greyson tucked her under his arm, and reassured her.

“They won’t hurt you. I trust everyone here, and those women are dead. Reaper killed them.”

Maura didn’t understand.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

Greyson didn’t give them everything in case they didn’t need to know.

“Like Nikita, Alyona was KGB.”

Maura focused on her.

“And you know them?”

She nodded.

“Alexsandr has women he trusts. He deprograms them from wanting to be their own people so that they become his. Then, he makes them property.”

Why did that sound horrifying?

“What do you mean?” Jagger asked.

She explained.