What worried him was that the word from Boston was that his operatives there were fighting an imperviable force.
Who was that?
Greyson Croft.
Well, he had bad news for the Croft mob family.
When he was done in New Orleans, the next stop was Boston. He’d head there after he had this port city under his control.
The Chinese had a good control in the North, and since they were on his payroll…
That city would be his too.
Oh, the dominos were all lining up into place for the most epic of crashes.
If there was one thing his father taught him, it was to never take no for an answer. The other thing he taught him was to go hard.
If Greyson Croft wouldn’t fall in line, he’d make sure one of his children met an untimely end.
What a freaking shame.
If that wasn’t enough, his pretty redheaded wife could be brought to him, and used to get Croft to comply—by any means necessary.
All he had to do was get INTO the US, and there was nothing to stop him.
He’d made sure his people made a move on Greyson’s family already, and with the Russians back in his control the man would be wiped out before too long.
He might move his ass right into that big Irish mansion in Boston too.
Why not?
He could run a pathetic city like any old mob man who was washed up.
Little did the Crofts know that he had an ex-CIA operative already on his payroll.
Jonathan Meyer.
Jared Reynolds.
JM Monroe.
Whatever name he preferred, the bottom line was that his ass belonged to Alexsandr, and he was going to do what he asked.
That city was in the bag.
There was no conceivable way that this plan could fail with the years and years of planning that had gone into making sure it was going to happen.
It was impossible.
Next, when he got to Boston, he’d be dealing with the man, and he definitely would not need the German woman to help. He’d have this under control.
He’d be cutting her out soon enough. All she had to do was facilitate a deal with the mercenaries to build an army and fill a warehouse with weapons.