Page 237 of Assassin

That was Poe’s fault for opening that can of worms to help the man. Now, came the fallout.

“That’s just your mind playing with you, Gamble. It’s because we discussed it, and you were angry. All you have to do is let it go,” he said.

He didn’t know how to do that. The more he tried to live, the more difficult it was.

His whole world felt so empty.

“I have you,” Poe said, running his hand up and down the man’s back as he was in the fetal position facing away from him.

“She said I deserve to feel this. I knew that she was damaged, and I still tried to fix her. Not everyone who is damaged is fixable.”

He stopped that then and there.

Oh, he knew where the man was heading with that, and he wasn’t going to let Gamble die.


“That’s not true. You’re fixable. I promise that I can get you through this. I know how.”

His voice was so low.

“What if I’m dangerous now?” he whispered. “What if I can hurt someone like she did?”

He soothed him.

“You’re not. I can tell you’re not a threat. If I was afraid of you, I’d never have you in my home, let alone an adjoining room, or now, my bed.”

Gamble was hurting deep down inside. It was in the part of him that once had love, and a family. It was empty, and he was so scared that he’d never feel anything but this again.

“I’ll never trust another woman. I never want to have more kids. I never want that life because I had it and it destroyed me. Help me,” he whispered. “Please.”

Poe’s heart was breaking for the man.

“I will help you. In the morning, we’ll talk about it over breakfast, and we’ll continue with our therapy. You’ve done well today, Gamble. You’re already healing.”

He wasn’t sure he was.

Poe reassured him.

“Go ahead and rest, Gamble. You need to rest. Tomorrow is day two, and we’ll dive into it.”

He put his faith in the man.


What choice did he have?

Slowly, Gamble closed his eyes as the hand on his back soothed him. It felt nice to be touched and not be afraid of the outcome.

In his dreams, he’d feel that cold chill of his dead wife touching him, and it scared him.

He shook.

“So cold,” he whispered.

In that moment, Poe did something irresponsible and incredibly dangerous.

He spooned him, using the warmth of his body to keep him warm. He was careful to stay above the blanket that was wrapped around Gamble, but still, his body was in direct contact with his.