This was spiraling out of control.
Already, panic was rising, and not in Gamble.
In Poe.
Should he leave him here and go into another room where he wasn’t breaking a million rules and risking his whole career?
Did he?
For some reason, he stayed to keep the man safe like he promised.
“I have you.”
Gamble’s whisper was barely audible.
“Please don’t drop me,” he said, putting his faith in another person and praying it didn’t kill him. “I have no one to trust anymore but you.”
That made Poe’s whole body react.
Poe had a bad feeling about this.
In that moment, he suspected that he wasn’t able to keep this from becoming personal. He was growing attached to his patient in ways that were NOT allowed.
And that was a bad thing.
For a doctor.
Chapter Nineteen
Area Fifty-Two
Seven A.M.
When Jax woke, Alyona wasn’t in bed. She was sitting in a chair, watching him sleep. He’d felt her eyes on him when he was dreaming, and that was why he was up. Now, he suspected that something bad was coming.
He could tell.
She had that look on her face, and it always, always, always meant one thing. She was about to do something incredibly dangerous, or stupid.
Like run.
Really, he suspected the latter.
“What is it?” he asked, going up on one elbow to stare into her eyes.