When he finished, Lucian went red.
“What the hell? Someone put my wife in jail after she told them she was a cop? He’s trying to frame them for murder, so he doesn’t have to work a case?”
He nodded.
That was the end for Lucian.
“We have to get out there!”
Julian had a problem.
“I can’t go. I mean, I can go, but then I have to dump my sister’s battle royale on someone else. I’m on duty this weekend at the office.”
That was a good point.
No one wanted that duty.
It appeared that Lucian would take one for the team on this one. It was rare that he got to leave. Most of the time, he was on legal duty, or working in the office.
He was up to bat.
“I’ll go,” he said. “Ridge will join me. We’ll go handle it. He’ll represent the agency, and I’ll be their lawyer. This is bullshit. My wife is going to be pissed. I pity the cop.”
Julian agreed.
Hearing that, Bodhi wasn’t sitting by.
“My fiancée is there. I’m going. I’ll call in a favor and have the Boston ME, cover for me. We’re pretty slow when it comes to death this time of the year. I’ll join you.”
They knew they wouldn’t be able to stop him. No one came between him and Hailey.
“Okay, get Ridge, and get to the airport. You’ll have to take your jet. The ladies took the company one. I need you guys to hold this down. If I can get out there, I’ll join you.”
Bodhi gasped out of the blue, surprising both of them.
“What?” they both asked.
It just occurred to him.
“Holly. I can’t leave Holly. What do I do with her? I’m new to this dad thing. Help!”
Julian reassured him.
“Our nanny will be here at seven. I’ll get her to Connor’s house before work. She can sleep over at Pryce and my brother’s home. I know she’s familiar with that house, and comfortable there.”
Immediately, he relaxed.
Bodhi was pretty sure Hailey would be okay with that. The girl loved the man’s kids.
“Thank you,” he said.