Page 61 of Icy Cold Death

The heat flashed.

Yeah, this was how you had makeup sex. As he emptied himself into her, Claire prayed for life.

Let me have a boy.

Dad, give me another child, she whispered into her head as she hoped he’d hear her in the Happy Hunting Grounds.

Beckett held her.

She knew he was back from floating in the pleasure when he nuzzled her.



He needed to know.

“Did you mean what you said about another baby?” he asked, content with being in bed with her.

Yeah, she did.

“Absolutely, Beckett, Littlemoons like a big family. My brothers are beating me in the kid department. You need to show them whose boss. Sex up your wife.”

He laughed.

“Uh, Justin is banging them out three and two at a time. I can’t keep up with that.”

She rested against him.

“You can keep up. You just have to keep trying and have faith like I do in my husband.”

He smiled.

There was his Claire.

As for the keep trying…

If that was what the woman wanted, he was willing to try, try, and try again.

Sue him.

He loved a challenge.

Someone was going to be walking funny tomorrow, and that was not going to be him.

“Well, Claire, let’s see what I can make happen,” he said, not one to be shown up by his brothers-in-law when it came to having kids.

When he took his wife again, he knew that she was going to be okay.

Claire was back.

Oh, and the Littlemoons were tenacious.

His wife was the toughest of them all.

On that, they could always bank.

Chapter Five